Page 7 of The Enforcer

And no woman should be forced to live with his baggage.



The morning after Britney passed away, Mary made Zoe’s favorite pancakes. It was a Saturday and Zoe didn’t have to go to school. She still hadn’t told Zoe that her sister had died, not knowing how to break the news to the little girl.

Sitting at the kitchen table, while drowning her pancakes in maple syrup, Zoe was talking a mile an hour. She was still in her PJs but had put on her red cape. Obviously, she had decided to be a superhero for the weekend again.

She needed to tell Zoe about her sister. Zoe had never known her father, but she had already lost her mother. A woman she didn’t even remember. And now her sister. Mary had no idea how to tell her.

Which was why she had sent a message to the help troops an hour ago.

“Can we go to the movies today?” Zoe asked.

“Sure. But, um, we need to talk first.”

“About what?”

“Finish your breakfast first.”

Avoiding a conversation you dread?

Postponing it. Not avoiding.

How very adult of you.

The pancakes were gone in no time and Zoe expectantly looked up at her.

Mary opened and closed her mouth. She plucked Zoe off the bar stool and went to the couch where Zoe got comfortable on her lap. She was a real snuggle bunny.

“I have to tell you something, cupcake.”

“You don’t want to see a movie?”

“No, no, I do. I just…”

The doorbell rang. It was the most beautiful sound in the world. She nudged Zoe off her lap and went for the door.

“We came as soon as we heard,” Jazzy said, giving her a hug.

Tommie was next. “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

She glanced at Zoe who just put on a DVD.

“I haven’t told Zoe yet,” she whispered. “Please come in. You guys being here will hopefully give me the strength to do this.”

“Uncle Tommie!” The second Zoe spotted Tommie, she let out a squeal and headed over to him.

He grabbed her from the floor and threw her in the air. “Who’s my favorite superhero?”


Tommie dropped her on the couch and then plopped next to her. “What are you watching?”

“Thor.” Then she whispered, as if sharing a secret, “Thor was here last night.”

“Oh, my. And you didn’t even call me?”