“That cockroach kidnapped my kid. In your name, I might add. After I get her back, I’m gonna pull out his testicles through his nose, and you’re not gonna stand in my way.”
Kristoff’s head snapped up. “We don’t kidnap children.”
“That’s not the word on the streets.” He relayed what had happened and finally saw a spark of fire in Kristoff’s eyes.
His brother turned to Damon. “Find him.”
“Sounds like Pachenkov is a thorn to your side. Why did you let him get this far?”
Kristoff took a towel to wipe his face. “Even thorns have their use. Especially when you have another one. In this case, Pachenkov’s rival, Irish Brian. As long as two dogs fight over a bone, they keep busy. Checks and balances,bratan. It’s all about checks and balances.”
“I told you not to call me that.”
“And what will you do if I keep doing it? Shoot me?”
“I just might,” he grumbled, his hand itching.
“Then don’t let me stop you.” Kristoff chin-jerked to the boxing ring. “Or why don’t we go a round in there?”
That’s when Achilles stepped in. Literally, by pushing his large frame between them. “How about you two save this for another date? You know, after we find the girl.”
“Why?” Angel asked. “I’d pay money to see that. Fifty says Kristoff will wipe the floor with Army Boy.”
Achilles shot him a glare. “First of all, he’s not ‘Army Boy’ but a former Marine. Totally different branch of the military, look it up. And I don’t give a shit if your boss is head of the Bratva or not. There’s no way Kristoff—biggest, baddest, and meanest fucker or not—can beat a former Marine in Hector’s class.”
“Biggest, baddest, and meanest fucker,” Kristoff repeated. “I like that. Note it down for on my grave, Angel.”
He didn’t sound as if he was joking, and Hector wondered how cracked in the head his brother really was.
Damon walked back in. “Found him. He’s holed up in a warehouse at the docks. Lots of security around to just be guarding fish.”
“Give me the address.” Hector took out his phone. It looked like he was going to need backup. “We can take it from here.”
He’d barely spoken the words when a small army joined the gym. Most of them were carrying guns, varying from Glocks to semi-automatics. He’d seen small countries get overthrown with less firepower.
“Oh, fuck no.” Achilles raked his hand through his hair.
Kristoff’s lips turned up in a feral smile. “You didn’t think I was going to let you go alone, did you?”
“You may be called a wolf,” Angel said, strapping on a gun to his ankle. “But Kristoff is a lion. Of course we’ll go with.”
Achilles snorted. “About that, wolves might not be the strongest of wild animals, but unlike a lion, you’ll never see a wolf play in the circus.”
Kristoff frowned. “The blond Rock is right. Don’t compare me to a lion again.”
“A dragon then?” Angel suggested. “You don’t see one of those in a circus.”
Were they for real? Hector barely contained a growl. “Can we fucking focus?”
Kristoff threw him a Glock and he grabbed it in the air.
“Let’s go hunt my thorn.”
The warehouse was at the mostly abandoned end of the docks. They arrived at twilight with three vans filled with over two dozen men.
To Hector’s surprise, Kristoff really had come along. Apparently, the rumors about him were true; hedidjoin his men in big operations, instead of just sending his enforcers.
Damon made some gestures and Kristoff’s men spread out, seamlessly disappearing into the dark.