“Jazzy considers you like her sister. You spend time together. Which means that any man entering your world will, at some point, be around her as well. I’m just looking out for my wife. I can’t have a Caruso or Bianchi situation again.”
Mary sighed, leaning back into the sofa. Given that her cousin was kidnapped and almost shot, she could understand Gio’s concern.
“Fine. I promise I won’t look for a man that could be of any danger to Jazzy. Can I go now?”
“Mary, are you sure about this? Taking on the care of a six-year-old is a lot of responsibility.”
That had her sit straight up. “I am. Don’t try to dissuade me. It won’t work. I might not be Zoe’s mother, but I love her as my own. She’s my godchild. I’m not abandoning her to the system.”
Gio contemplated that for a second, his fingers tapping the edge of his desk. She really hoped he wasn’t going to go all badass on her. He had the means to sabotage her claim.
“I figured you would say that,” he eventually said. “Which is why I called our contacts and got the name of the judge who will be handling your case. He’s a firm believer of a child being raised in a conventional family. Perhaps Jazzy’s idea isn’t so crazy after all. I just had to make sure you’re sure about this.”
“Thank you for not butting in.” She was about to get up when he gestured for her to remain seated.
“I’m not finished yet. Marrying a stranger can be dangerous. You’re a beautiful woman; surely you know of someone who could help you out. A former boyfriend, perhaps?”
Lovely. When she woke up this morning, she hadn’t expected to be grilled by Gio about her lack of a love life.
“I broke up with Josh six months ago. He’s of the ‘children should be seen but not heard’ club.” Which had been one of the reasons to end things with him.
Gio stood from his desk. “Tell you what. How about if you pick one of Hector’s men? Obviously, one of the single ones. They’re all ex-military and have had extensive background checks. That way, at least you’ll be sure you’re not marrying a serial killer. And I don’t have to be without my wife for days as she chooses men for you from some dating app. Tommie and her sounded very enthusiastic last night, discussing all the qualities their ‘perfect’ man should possess.”
The immediate protest on her lips died the second she discovered this might actually be a sound plan.
“Any of his men?” she asked, just to be sure. From the corner of her eye, she glanced at Hector, but he stood frozen, as a massive boulder.
“Any of them. I’m sure Hector won’t mind handing you over a copy of their resumes within, let’s say, an hour? After all, we’re on a clock here.” He looked at his friend, who was still in statue mode. “Since there’s no protest from that side, I’m gonna go with it. We’ll speak again, say around eight, so you can give me your first choice. I’ll take over from there, arranging the meet-up, wedding, and everything that comes with it. Jazzy can attest that my assistant throws a killer last-minute wedding. I’m going to make sure that you will have a husband to present to the judge during Zoe’s hearing.”
“Oh, that’s a great idea.”
This could work. This couldsowork.
It was the stupidest fucking idea he’d ever heard. What was the damn woman thinking? Marrying a complete stranger. He didn’t give a shit what her reason was, noble or not. And what the fuck was with Gio—his so-called best friend—offering to set Mary up with one of Hector’s men? Hand over his men’s resumes so Mary could pick a husband? He’d rather get shot!
Except, if he refused, Gio would have a field day, claiming Hector wanted Mary for himself. Which he didn’t. At all.
He snarled and cursed as he pounded into the punching bag. This here, at the gym in the compound, was his sanctuary. Here it smelled of sweat and leather, instead of Mary.
He filed her delicious smell away, trying to forget about her. Soon, he would have no other option than to completely wipe her from his brain. She would belong to someone else. He’d seen it on her face. She was going to do it. Part of him was furious, though he refused to acknowledge why. The other part was proud of her for sticking up for that little girl.
It didn’t take long for Gio to track him down. He walked in, holding a file in his hand, wearing his usual expensive suit. Still, the guy didn’t look out of place. No matter where Giovanni Detta went, the man exuded confidence.
Hector kept pounding as Gio walked around the boxing ring, to his corner.
“Not in the mood,hermano,” he snarled.
“Now why do you think that is?”
“Why are you giving into her mad idea?” Gio never did anything without a reason.
His friend pointedly waited until Hector stopped hitting the bag and gave him his full attention. When he removed his boxing gloves, Gio handed him a towel.
“The girl lives in a rundown apartment in a crappy neighborhood. All because she wants to make it on her own and is too proud to accept help. Jazzy’s worried about her. I had Mary on my schedule this week, actually.”