Page 12 of The Enforcer

You’re going to end up in the basement.

No, I’m not.

Found a solution yet?

She descended another floor, with Jazzy right on her heels. Her cousin was nothing if not tenacious and, honestly, right now, that was the attitude Mary needed to adopt herself. Except, she wasn’t anything like Jazzy.

“Would you stop running for a second?” Jazzy practically growled. “I would think that the key to getting Zoe back is pretty obvious.”

Mary came to a halt and spun around. “How is that?”

Jazzy started typing on her phone. “All you need is a husband. That, and a house in a good neighborhood, with nice schools. So, here is what we’re going to do…”

As her cousin began unfolding a plan, Mary almost kicked herself for not thinking of it herself. It was so obvious.

A flicker of hope started growing in her chest, expanding, until it turned into a blazing sun.


The next morning, after a night filled with nightmares of Britney and Zoe, Mary was summoned to Giovanni Detta’s office. Getting a call from his PA couldn’t be a good sign. Then she remembered what she’d discussed with Jazzy the previous day, and she relaxed.

The Detta Tower was a short walk from Union Square. She’d taken an Uber, as it was difficult to find a good parking space so close to the city center. The tall buildings on her right cast lonely shadows across the sidewalk that was buzzing with people in business suits.

Gio’s assistant let her into his spacious office with a view over the Financial District.

To her surprise, she was welcomed by Gio, who sat at the corner of his desk. Jazzy was nowhere in sight. Her cousin’s husband was intimidating enough to deal with when Jazzy was around, but it was even worse when she was alone with him.

Then she spotted a movement in the right corner. Hector leaned against the wall overlooking the San Francisco skyline. He was in his usual black fatigues with large pockets on the side. His Army green t-shirt stretched across his large chest.

She immediately relaxed. Normally, she didn’t feel comfortable around big, bulky men, but with Hector, it was different. She felt comfortable around him. Safe.

“Come in, Mary, and take a seat.”

“Where’s Jazzy?” She perched her butt on the sofa in front of Gio’s desk. Her back tingled as Hector’s gaze settled on her. As usual, he didn’t hide his true feelings around her.

He’s annoyed that I’ve entered his orbit.

At least he’s acknowledging your existence.


“She told me last night what you two are planning.” Gio shook his head, a smile tugging his lips. “She has the craziest ideas sometimes. I suppose I should be thankful she didn’t want to flee the country with you and Zoe, becoming a fugitive. I believe she called that ‘Plan B.’ Either way, I wanted to speak to you before you go on with this crazy idea.”

A blush crept up her cheeks. “It’s not crazy. It’s actually very practical.” The more she thought about it, the more it seemed like the perfect solution to her problem.

“Marrying a complete stranger to get guardianship over Zoe is not crazy, you think?”

Hector’s head snapped up. “You what?”

She ignored him and gave Gio a pleading look. “Could you please ask him to leave?”

“No. Also, he has killer ears. He’d hear you from anywhere in the building.”

Mary rolled her eyes. She knew the stories about Hector “the Wolf” Diaz. They made him sound like some super soldier.

“I don’t understand why you care.”