“I do like words,” she mumbled.
“I’m telling you that the only reason Antonio Rossi is still alive, is because I fucking love you. Antonio lured my father into a trap, so Oscar Bianchi could kill him for reasons I will tell you later. Yet, I decided to find a way in my black heart to forgive—never forget, but forgive—him, for what he’s done, because hurting him means hurting you.”
She tried to put together what he meant to say. Which was no easy feat with her emotions—fear, anger, and hurt—jumping up and down tonight.
“You love me.” For some reason, she needed to voice that thought.
“I do.” He pulled away from her. “I didn’t choose you because you are beautiful, smart, and spirited; all of which you are. I picked you because every man needs a strong woman, and you are a queen.Myqueen.Now, use that smart brain of yours. Do you think, knowing all of that, that I would cheat on you?”
When put like that…
It was as if a huge weight was lifted off her chest and she could breathe again.
“Now, say the words,” he demanded.
She looked into his smoldering baby blues. He needed to hear the words just as much as she did. “I love you.” Then she cleared her throat. “Now, let’s talk about why there was a naked woman in your office that wasn’t me.”
“I didn’t touch her, other than to pull her up and show her the door.” He took her in his arms and trailed back to their bedroom, where he dropped her onto the bed.
Gio crawled over her body like a hungry predator. He grabbed her wrists and slammed them above her head.
Oh yeah, she loved being handled like this.
“The only naked woman I’m interested in is you.”
She could see the truth in his beautiful eyes. In the way he looked at her, that he cherished her, that she was his. She couldn’t see it before because of her insecurities clouding her judgment. How silly she had been to horde her love, the most exhilarating emotion in existence, instead of expressing it to him. Never again, she swore, giving in to his scorching kiss. Every day, she would tell this man how special he was to her. Love wasn’t something to keep to yourself; it was meant to be shared.
Two months later
Another Wednesday afternoon, and Gio was nowhere to be found. That was three weeks in a row now. Jazzy hadn’t paid any attention to it the first few times she had visited him during her lunch break, but it was becoming a pattern. Now, of course, this could be something totally innocent, like him working at the soup kitchen or feeding cats at the animal shelter during those times, but she highly doubted that.
She decided to wait for him in his office. Gale offered her a cup of coffee. Jazzy liked the older woman. She wasn’t all dolled up like the rest of the women on the executive floor.
“Mr. Detta will be here at exactly two o’clock,” Gale said. Her tone held a hint of irritation mixed with amusement. “Exactly on time or too late, depending on how you see it.”
“I’m sensing you’re trying to tell me something, Gale.”
Gale smiled. “Oh, I am. If you want to find out why your husband makes himself scarce every Wednesday afternoon, then please pick up the call when he enters his office.”
At exactly two o’clock, Gio showed his face. She waited for him, sitting on his desk, legs spread, inviting him over to stand between them.
When he did, and his hand slid underneath her dress, the phone rang. Jazzy grabbed it before he got the chance. Gio tried to take it from her, but she held the phone out of his reach.
There was a woman on the other end of the line, who sounded aggravated.
“Oh, I see. So you have to reschedule his appointment. Again.” She gave Gio a pointed look. “My husband is a very busy man, and I’m sure he forgot about it.” She listened to the voice on the other end. “Really? So, there’s an open spot for this afternoon. Thank you. We’ll be there.” Jazzy hung up and started giggling. “You ran away from the dentist?”
Gio’s lips thinned. “I don’t like people poking in my mouth with sharp objects. The damn woman is like a mule. She keeps rescheduling the damn appointment every Wednesday afternoon, until I go.”
That was it; she was gone. She turned into a puddle of tears and howling laughter.
“Tell you what. You go to the dentist this afternoon, and you can take out your frustration on me later tonight…when I wear a costume.”
He started unbuttoning her dress. “What kind of costume?”