“I don’t care if he’s a half-god. I don’t want his help.”
Gio didn’t mention that they already owed Kristoff’s contacts in here. Keeping Luca alive and well in prison came at a price. Protection money he gladly paid.
“Damn it, Luciano. I hate seeing you here. Wewillbe having this conversation again.”
Luca nodded. They both knew what he meant. If Luca would still be stuck inside in another year, Kristoff would seem like a better option. The Russian had the means and the manpower to break Luca out. They could transfer Luca to a non-extraditing country in no time.
“So, how did you and your bride meet?”
A change of subject. One of Luca’s newly-adapted specialties since he was inside. In this case, it was actually a great bridge to what Gio had come to talk to him about.
“We met at Antonio Rossi’s house; that’s her grandfather. Then, she fled the country to get away from me. Let me tell you how I caught her.”
Gio returned back to the office after talking to Luca, to pick up that damn report. Just as he grabbed his suitcase, a knock sounded on his door. To his surprise, Lisa Martell, the wife of one of his office managers, entered his office.
“Gio. Could I speak to you for a moment?”
“I was about to leave.”
“It won’t take long.” She hurried inside, closing the door behind her, but not before his assistant, Gale, stopped the door from shutting all the way.
Gale glared at Lisa, obviously not happy with Lisa slipping past her.
Gio motioned for her that it was okay; this wasn’t going to take long. Her lips pursed, and she took away her arm, but didn’t close the door behind her, leaving it open a small gap.
“I came to apologize,” Lisa said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “For what happened at the wedding, I mean.” She sounded a tad nervous.
“My wedding was months ago. It’s a little late to come apologize now.” Had it only been a few months? It seemed much longer, because he couldn’t remember what his life had been like before, without Jazzy in it.
Lisa leaned over his desk, not subtle at all, over showing cleavage. “I needed some time to sort some things out…Edwin and I have separated. I was busy dealing with that.”
Like he gave a crap about the marital status of his employees. A marriage was private, and just like he would never allow another to meddle in his, he wouldn’t entertain gossip of another’s.
“Apology accepted. You can leave now,” he dismissed her, and went into the adjoining bathroom where he’d left his jacket.
When he returned to his office, he found Lisa sitting on his desk. Naked.
She’d put her hands on her knees, with the palms up. Her long, blond hair was spread out over her breasts. It wasn’t the first time she’d propositioned him, letting him know she was available for him to fuck. Still, stripping in the middle of his office was a bold gesture, even for her.
Thing was, she had nothing on his wife. They weren’t even in the same league.
With a deep sigh, he walked over to her.
Jazzy took a long pull from her celebratory margarita, as she was lazily draped over a couch with a view over the ocean. Life didn’t get much better than this.
“To our first client!” Tommie called out. He had made reservations for a table at the Eagle Cafe, their favorite place at the wharf.
He’d also sent out a call to Mary for an impromptu celebratory drink. Much to Jazzy’s surprise, Gina showed up as well. The contrast between the two sisters couldn’t be any bigger. Gina, looking Rodeo Drive chic in a tight, knee-high dress and killer boots. Mary, dressed as the eternal student, in jeans and a hippie-style flowing top.
Their table was stocked with a delicious seafood platter. The only thing missing was Gio, to share her joy with. Then again, her new bodyguard, who sat at an adjoining table, reminded her that—though he might not be there in body—Gio was with her in spirit. After she had learned what drove him, and the unjustified guilt he felt over his brother going to jail, his protective streak made more sense. And that, in a way, helped her to deal with it more easily.
“I have some exciting news to share with you guys as well,” Mary said.
Gina rolled her eyes, clearly already familiar with the news, and obviously not impressed by it.