“Yes, Mr. Detta.”
“While I’m sure my wife would appreciate the compliment, don’t ever make that sound again while regarding my wife.”
The tech guy immediately fell over his tongue, apologizing profusely.
Gio hung up, once again looking into three pairs of eyes.
“So, she sent you a picture, huh?” Vince said, trying to sound innocent. “I knew she wasn’t boring the second I met her. You two exclusive?”
That he even had to ask was a testament to a lifestyle Gio didn’t want to know about.
When Gio didn’t answer his ridiculous question, Vince said, “I see. You should bring Jazzy to the club one night. We have a Mask and Mystery Night this Friday. I’m sure she’ll look gorgeous in fetwear. You can get her a beautiful corset, and—”
“Stop thinking about my wife in a corset,” Gio snapped.
Vince snickered. “So, should I put you two on the list?”
“Fuck you, Vince. Just, fuck you.”
Gio had one more stop before he could go home. He gave Raoul the address to the computer store where Tommie Green worked. It was a small shop in Soma between an art gallery and a Chinese takeout. The boy seemed surprised when Gio walked inside the store.
He waited until the only other customer in the store finished his business and the place was abandoned.
“Mr. Detta,” Tommie greeted him. “What can I do for you?”
“You are going to accept an office in the Detta Tower, Mr. Green.”
“I am?”
“Yes, you are, because I’m not going to let my wife work at one of those shitty offices you are looking at. She’s a Detta, which makes her a target in the eyes of certain people. I can’t have her exposed to any threats like that, especially not if she’d be perfectly safe in my building. So, you are going to swallow your pride and accept my offer. It’s the only way Jazzy will go along with it.”
Tommie’s eyes narrowed. He raked a hand through his blue hair, showing his nervousness. “Are you going to make me an offer I can’t refuse?”
If the matter hadn’t been so important to him, Gio would have smiled. The kid had guts. He was also right about the kind of offer Gio was going to make.
“Yes, Tommie, I’m going to make you an offer you can’t refuse.”
Jazzy had been married for about a month now. A month spent in some sort of strange honeymoon bliss. Gio treated her well. Most evenings, he spent at home, having dinner with her like a normal couple. She’d been busy doing her own stuff, developing her business plan and software. They didn’t see much of each other during the day but at night, oh, the nights were amazing. Gio was an enigma. The closed-off looking man was like a chameleon in between the sheets. Though sometimes, he omitted the sheets altogether, taking her on the couch, in the shower, even once on his desk in the library. For an outsider, they would probably seem like a regular couple of newlyweds. Not once had he tried to write down the law to her, so far. The only thing he was adamant about was her security. He didn’t budge on that. She didn’t get to go anywhere without Hector. As head of security, and the owner of the security company, she believed the former Marine was a bit overqualified for the job, but he didn’t seem to mind.
Still, she kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Powerful men like Giovanni Detta had a certain way they dealt with people. He had shown that by practically butchering the asshole that had hit her. Justified? Perhaps. She didn’t feel sorry for that prick. Still, sooner or later, Gio was going to find out he’d married the wrong Rossi girl and then all this bliss would disappear. But until that moment, she would make the most of it; bringing every fantasy she’d ever had to life; most recently, this morning.
She grinned when she thought about the picture she had sent him. It was the biggest of the butt plugs so far. The elephant plug, and she was supposed to keep it in for a few hours. Which she did, right up until the moment she decided to visit her sister.
Her patience was over. It was time for another come to Jesus moment with Carmen. To her surprise, this time when Jazzy sent her a text, Carmen immediately responded by saying she wanted to meet up.
Jazzy took two taxis and a ferry to reach North Bay. The first thing she noticed when arriving at Casa Caruso, was the absence of guards around the perimeter. It had been a while since she’d visited this place, on the outskirts of Marin County. The place looked different somehow. More abandoned.
She rang the bell and it was opened by Carmen instead of the housekeeper. Her sister looked gaunt, her clothes big around her body.
“Finally,” Jazzy greeted her, as she gave her a hug. “Where have you been all these weeks?”
There was a tight smile on Carmen’s face. “Please, come in. Let’s go into the kitchen. I have freshly made tea.”