“You really thought this through,” she murmured as he toyed with the thermostat, and thankfully, the loud rumbling noise indicated they were in business. “You left me with plenty of time to do it,” he said, referring to when she’d abandoned him the morning after.

“I had an emergency,” she said, rubbing her hands together but not meeting his gaze.

“Did that emergency involve getting the hell out before you had to face me?” he asked, wanting to clear the air before the lie went any further. Luke was a light sleeper, and if her phone alerts had gone off, he’d have heard them. If she was scheduled to be at work, she’d have just said that. And Luke had used deception often enough in similar situations.

Again, he just wanted to think they were different. And right here, right now, he intended to find out.

Chapter Five

Luke called her on her deception, and Alexa reared back in shock. No man had ever questioned her motives or truthfulness before, not in a relationship and not on the job. In fact, she was so used to people respecting her word—well, everyone except her father, and because he respected nobody’s word, he didn’t count—she couldn’t believe this man had seen through her and called her on it.

It humbled her.

It embarrassed her.

She forced herself to face him. “You may be a pro at one-night stands, but I’m not. I thought it would be easier for us if I just left.”

He blinked, obviously startled she’d opted for the truth without trying to bluster through.

Well, one thing she taught her interns, if you make a mistake, better to own up to it and face the consequences. She could do no less in her personal life.

“I may have been a pro at it once, but it’s been a long time since I pulled a stunt like that.”

It was her turn to blink. “Really?”

He grinned. “Yep. You’re not the end of a long line, darlin’. Not by a long shot.”

“At least not lately.”

He laughed. “Exactly.”

She wondered why not and decided not to ask. “Yet despite my leaving, you came after me anyway.” She bit down on her lower lip, pondering that fact. He’d done a lot more than just come to talk, too, she thought, taking in the bags filled with food on the counter and the cabin he’d appropriated the keys for.

“You’re an eye-opener,” he said, answering her unspoken question. “I’ve been on the doing end, never on the receiving end of waking up alone, and I didn’t like what I learned.”

She winced. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m a man who likes to learn a good lesson. And if I thought you left ’cause you weren’t interested, I wouldn’t be here now.”

She couldn’t stop the smile his words inspired. “So you think I’m interested?”

A dimple formed in one cheek. “Don’t think it. I know it.”

“Cocky.” She liked the hint of ego in him and figured it fit his sports persona. Oddly, the display of conceit made him even more appealing.

Not that she’d let him know it so easily.

She folded her arms across her chest and narrowed her gaze. “Whatever gave you the impression that I’m still interested?” she asked.

“I could either count the orgasms you had or point out the pink flush in your cheeks when I showed up to ask you out today. Your choice.”

She just couldn’t bring herself to be offended and burst out laughing instead. “Okay fine. You win. So what’s in the bags?” She swept her arm out toward the packages he’d brought in from the car.

“Don’t change the subject. I want to hear you say it.” He stepped forward, and she inched away, the dance continuing until her back hit the wall.

“Say what?” she managed, this despite the fact that he loomed over her, a large, imposing, sexy male who smelled as good as he looked. At his nearness, her breath hitched and memories of him surrounding her in other ways rushed through her.

“I need to hear you say I still tempt you,” he said, his mouth hovering over hers.

She caught the hint of mint on his breath and sighed into him. He had her, and he knew it. “I’m tempted,” she murmured.

A pleased gleam flickered in his gaze at the admission, but he still didn’t move, studying her instead of kissing her senseless like she wanted. Needed. Craved.

“I only have an hour or so for lunch,” she reminded him.

He muttered a soft curse and sealed his lips over hers. He swirled his tongue with hers in a way that had her body heating, which was saying something since her jacket already had her roasting. And she kissed him back for all she was worth, wrapping her arms around his neck and getting lost in the moment.

Until he broke their connection with a harsh groan.

“What? Why?” she asked, disappointed and bereft.