She reached out and placed her hand over his. “Come home with me?” she asked.

He hadn’t expected her to be so blunt, but she’d described her life as hectic without much time for herself. If she wanted something, she’d have to reach out and take it when she could. She obviously viewed him as her break, an escape from daily living, and the irony of it was, that was exactly what he wanted to give her.

“Darlin’, I’d like nothing more.”

Chapter Three

A grown woman, Alexa knew what she was doing when she invited Luke home. She just couldn’t believe she’d done it. She blamed her lack of sleep and the fact that he’d gotten her to talk about herself, her career and lack of personal time. Not only had her guard been down, but she’d been reminded of all that was missing in her life. Sitting across the booth from the hottest guy she’d seen in her lifetime, one who looked at her like she was something special and wanted to eat her up . . . how could she not allow herself this one indulgence? She certainly wouldn’t be working today whether Luke Thompson, a pro football player, joined her in bed.

Although she hadn’t changed her mind about her invitation, she experienced a twinge of awkwardness as she gave him directions to her house, a small three-bedroom she’d bought from the bank when the owners foreclosed and moved out of state. She might not spend much time here, but it was home, and she’d done all she could décor-wise to make the house her own. Having grown up in one of the larger mansions in the wealthier part of town, in a place her father had turned into an art-showcase after her mother died, Alexa focused on homey touches instead. White walls, lavender trim, real plants that needed watering, something she made time for each week.

As Luke followed her into her house, Alexa was acutely aware of him taking in his surroundings.

“Pretty place,” he said as she set her bag and keys on the foyer table.

“Thanks.” She didn’t turn to face him, wondering if she should invite him up to her room. Into the kitchen for a drink first? Her gaze fell to the clock on the wall.

Ugh. It was ten o’clock in the morning. No drink.

She’d been at the hospital all night and felt grimy. How could she have thought to ask him here? And now that she had, how did she begin? Did she just jump him in the hallway? Dating with a colleague, she’d done that on occasion. Bringing men home? Not ever. She was so out of practice at this sort of thing, it wasn’t funny. Her thoughts were all over the place as were her nerves. And now she couldn’t stop her mind from going at one hundred miles an hour.

Suddenly, she felt him step up behind her, his body heat warm against her back as he pushed her hair off her shoulders. “Relax,” he said in a deep voice that melted her bones. “We’ve got all day, and you’re wound tight. Why don’t you go up and shower? I’ll still be here when you’re through.”

How did he know exactly what she needed?

“Okay,” she said softly.

“It’s going to be so good,” he promised, then settled his lips against her neck and nibbled on her skin.

She curled her hands around the edge of the table and bent her head forward, giving him better access. He nipped, licked, and soothed with his tongue. Nerves forgotten, she trembled, desire licking at her from the inside out.

“Better go,” he said, his hand cupping her behind. “Unless you want to start this right here.”

With a pained groan, she stepped aside. “Meet me in my bedroom.” She ran for the stairs and headed up to shower.

* * *

Luke watched Alexa walk up the few steps in her split level house, his eyes on her ass. Her body was well hidden in the generous scrubs and he found her appealing anyway. With a groan, he shifted his gaze and looked around, not surprised the woman he’d begun to know had an honest-to-goodness house with a white picket fence. The color scheme was a soft white and light purple, the whole place radiating warmth. She was everything—and nothing—like he’d expected and unraveling her layers was as exciting to him as a new playbook each season.

Speaking of plays, giving her time alone had been a strategic move designed to make her more comfortable. Yeah, she’d have time to think too much, but she’d also be able to pull herself together. And he sensed a woman like her needed to feel good about herself in order to get into bed with a man. He had sisters, and though he refused to think about them having sex, he still knew how nice girls thought. Alexa reminded him of his sisters, girls willing to take a walk on the wild side, but who didn’t do it often. Good girls.