One man.

“Alexa,” he repeated.

She turned to stare into a pair of golden-brown eyes, which were focused on her once again. “You’re here,” she said, sounding as shocked as she felt. “Are you sick?”

He shook his head. “Just waitin’ for you.”

She blinked in surprise.

He grinned. “I was beginning to think you’d gone out another door, but the guard there assured me you’d have to pass this way.” He folded his arms across his broad chest. “So I waited.”

“You’re here for me?” A wave of pleasure rolled through her, so strong and unique she almost didn’t recognize it.

“Are you the pretty lady who danced with me last night?”

A hot flush rose to her cheeks, and she managed a nod.

“Same one who ditched me in favor of a friend?” he asked, teasing her. Before she could reply, he added, “I admire loyalty, by the way.”


“I’ll take that as a yes, that was you. And by your scrubs, I’d say you’re the same woman who turned out to be one hot doctor. Which means, yes, I’m here for you.”

Alexa felt flattered and steamrolled all at the same time. “Why?” Why would he stick around all night and wait for her this morning?

“Been asking myself that same question between zzz’s. The best I can come up with is that you intrigued me. We clicked, and I wanted to know if your friend was okay—”

“She is.” And he was sweeping her off her feet with very little effort. “You cared about my friend?”

“I cared about you.” He shook his head. “Yeah, I know. Short time, crazy thing. I’m guessing after pulling an all-nighter you need breakfast?”

Whatever exhaustion she’d been experiencing had since disappeared. “That would be great,” she said. “Breakfast I mean.”

He grinned, obviously pleased. “Since I’m not from around here, you’ll have to recommend someplace.”

There was only one diner in Serendipity. “There’s a place called The Family Restaurant on the edge of town.” Unfortunately, she’d left her car at Joe’s and though she wanted to have breakfast with this man, she didn’t think getting into a car with a stranger was all that smart. “Listen, I don’t really know you so I’m not going to get into your car.”

He immediately extended his hand. “Luke Thompson.”

“Alexa Collins,” she said, aware of how much smaller her hand was as she placed her palm against his. Instant awareness sizzled along her nerve endings at their handshake, telling her that last night’s electricity hadn’t been a fluke.

They were chemically compatible. Now if she could make sure he wasn’t a serial killer or stalker, she’d be all set, she thought wryly.

“I’m a friend of Cole Sanders. Does that help?” he asked.

A small town was a small town. “The football player,” Alexa said, nodding.

“I’m staying with him for a couple of days to help clean out his father’s house.”

She recalled her father mentioning something about recommending retirement homes. “Did Mr. Sanders move to assisted living?”

“Yesterday,” Luke confirmed. “So you know them?”

“I know the family,” she murmured.

“Good enough of a reference for me to drive you to breakfast?” he asked.

She couldn’t stop the smile he inspired. “Well if you’re a friend of the Sanders, I guess you’re safe enough.”

He let out a laugh. “Darlin’, I don’t know many people who’d call me safe.”

And with the way his hot gaze devoured hers, she couldn’t say she felt safe, either. The Alexa she’d become didn’t take chances, didn’t date, and she certainly didn’t give up sleep for a meal. She didn’t crook her finger and invite a sexy stranger to grind with her on the dance floor, either. But the Alexa around this man apparently did all those things . . . and looked forward to doing even more.

* * *

Luke liked a woman with a healthy appetite, something he rarely saw unless he was home with his mother and sisters. Alexa ordered a serious meal of scrambled eggs, two pancakes, bacon, a large glass of orange juice, and coffee. He wasn’t sure what he enjoyed more, eating his omelet or watching her devour her breakfast. She didn’t seem the least bit concerned about what he might think and by the time they’d finished their food, he had yet another reason to like this woman.

“Oh my God, I was starving,” she said, wiping her mouth with a napkin and finally coming up for air.

He grinned. “Feeling better?”

She nodded, eyes sparkling. “Definitely got my second wind.”

Her words hit him in the gut. He could think of a lot of things they could do to make use of that newfound energy. Instead, he did the unexpected, even to himself, and settled in to get to know her better. “So your friend’s okay?”

Alexa’s gaze softened. “Yes, thank God.”

“And things better with her guy?”

“Probably not yet, but if Mike has his way, they will be.” Alexa spent the next few minutes explaining to him how Mike had what she called “sticking” issues, but that she’d never seen him so intent on making things right. “So I’ll give him that chance. But if he hurts her again, I’ll remind him I’m an expert with a scalpel.”