He strode up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Cara jumped in surprise but soon settled into the embrace. Alexa figured Cara thought it was one of her guy friends joining her for a dance because no way would she allow Mike that kind of privilege. Not without him doing some serious groveling first. Worried about her friend, Alexa kept an eye on the couple, prepared to step in if needed.

“You okay?” her dance partner asked in a Southern drawl. It was the first time she’d heard him speak, and the sexy voice fit him perfectly.

She nodded and smiled, her gaze roaming over his handsome face. Dimples etched either side of his perfect mouth and full lips, and a faded scar sat above his left eyebrow. But even as she admired the view, she never lost sight of her friend, knowing Cara would do the same for her.

Mike pressed his front against Cara’s back in a more intimate move. Before Alexa could even wince, Cara whirled on her ex with a surprised, then furious spark in her eyes.

The music was too loud for Alexa to hear, and she inched closer, remaining vigilant and on call.

“What are you doing here?” Cara asked, her voice tinged with the pain Alexa knew she’d suffered ever since Mike’s abrupt departure.

“I’m back.” His gaze never left Cara’s.

“Good for you,” she said with deliberate sarcasm.

He appeared as worn and ragged as Cara had earlier, before Alexa had forced a makeup session on her friend.

Cara perched her hands on her hips. “And you thought you could wrap your arms around me and pick up where we left off?” she asked, her voice rising.

Oh, go girl! Alexa thought, stopping short of clapping because Cara wasn’t greeting Mike with open arms. As a cop, Cara could handle herself in any situation, but as a woman, she was more fragile. Yet she wouldn’t let any man, including this one, walk all over her, and Alexa was proud of her friend.

Serendipity, New York was a small town and Mike was the former police chief whose sudden departure had sparked many wagging tongues. Add the now loud discussion between exes and sure enough, Cara and Mike were attracting stares from the crowd. Alexa knew they needed closure, but they didn’t have to do it in front of an audience. Time to put an end to the show, Alexa thought.

Figuring she’d buy her friend some time to handle this on her own terms, she tapped Cara on the shoulder. “Are you okay?” Alexa asked.

“Yeah.” But the hurt in Cara’s blue eyes told another story.

“Can we go somewhere and talk?” Mike asked her.

“Seriously?” Cara blinked in obvious shock. “Let’s get something straight. I don’t know why you’re here or for how long, and I don’t care. But I will not be your booty call every time you come back to town.”

Behind Alexa, she sensed her former dance partner was still there, watching the scene unfold, and Alexa spared a moment’s regret for having to ditch him this way. But he was a momentary diversion while Cara’s friendship was forever. And no self-respecting woman abandoned a friend in need for a man.

“Cara—” Mike reached for her, but she pushed him away, shoving at his shoulder.

“No.” Cara jerked out of his reach.

Alexa moved closer. “I’m going to the ladies’ room,” she said, tipping her head toward the back of the bar. The silent, do you want to join me, was implied.

Mike whispered something Alexa couldn’t hear in Cara’s ear, but Cara shook her head.

Alexa turned, shooting a regretful glance at the man she’d never actually met. “Sorry. Friendship calls.” She smiled at him, wishing they’d had more time.

He nodded in surprising understanding and gestured with a sweep of his hand. “It was a pleasure,” he said, the words dancing along her nerve endings, similar to the way his touch had branded her skin.

She held his stare for a few more precious seconds before breaking eye contact and focusing on Cara. “Let’s go,” she said, and steered them through the crowd toward the restroom, leaving her sexy dance partner behind.

* * *

Lucas Thompson watched the intriguing woman walk off, her hips swaying, her delectable ass displayed to perfection in her tight black leggings. He liked what he saw. Hell, he’d liked what he’d felt even more. She wasn’t too skinny, unlike the NFL groupies who usually followed him around back home, her waist felt soft and generous in his hands.

He groaned and headed to the bar, ordering a beer. A cold drink would cool him off before he went to his friend’s house somewhere in this small Upstate New York town. Luke was here for a visit, but his ex-teammate, Cole Sanders, wouldn’t show up till later. He was busy getting his father settled into an assisted living facility. Cole’s plan was to stick around, fix up his dad’s house, and put it on the market. Since Luke had planned to be in Manhattan for meetings with his agent, he’d taken Cole up on his offer to stay with him instead of in some sterile hotel. As pro football players, they both had enough of empty rooms when they were on the road. Lucas figured he’d help Cole out for as long as he was in town.