“You sound empathetic.”

“For once in my life, I am. Because there is a lot of time for self-reflection when you’re lingering at the bottom of the barrel. It’s also a giant reality check when you wake up broke and friendless and actually have to fend for yourself. You start to see things in a different light. I thought Nico had faked his death because there was a part of me that wanted him to still be alive.”


“Because too many people die in our world for too many stupid, unnecessary reasons. If my father had just gotten over Nico marrying Bella instead of me, life would be completely different.” I toy with my glass. “The night on the steps of the fountain…”

“The night you ravaged me in the back seat of my car?”

“The night you stole my first kiss.” Amusement tugs at my lips but it fades. “You told me he was in love with Bella, always had been and always would be. It made me grateful he had picked her. Because I realized I wanted to be loved like that. Someone to love me so big that nothing else could get in the way.” I push my champagne away, knowing I’ve said too much. “And then for him to die… it seemed so unfair.”

“Life is unfair, Bianca. That’s why you have to fight for what you want.”

I lift my gaze to his. “And what do you want?”

“If I knew that, I could start searching for it.”

“Come on, that sounds rehearsed. What do you truly want, Massimo?”

“I want to find the sonofabitch who has your money and help you shoot him in the face.”



I wasn’t lying when I told Bianca what I wanted.

Finding Harrison has become my number one priority.

It’s time to fix some wrongs, because if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s a double-crossing asshole.

If a man doesn’t have his word, then he doesn’t have anything, my father used to say.

The De Kysa network of people is globally vast. We have alliances with people in almost every country. From North and South America, to across Europe and Asia. Hell, we have friends tucked away in the smallest towns in the smallest countries. Because our word means something. We are loyal but deadly if crossed.

Meaning, there is no place Harrison can hide now that he’s pissed off the devil.

After the peep show audition, I retreat to my office, trying to drown out Bianca’s words and the memories of that night on the steps and all that happened afterward.

Sometimes, I’m just so bone-tired I want to sleep for a million years.

But not alone.

Because I’m starting to realize things are changing in me.

I’ve spent years fucking myself into a mindless oblivion where coming was the only goal, and emotions did not exist. Another face, another body, no commitment, no feelings. No big deal.

But it’s getting old.

And I’m not too much in denial to not recognize that feeling this way coincides with the arrival of Bianca in my life.

But I’m a realist and know it’s pointless entertaining any thoughts about it. Because we would never stand a chance. Love doesn’t thrive in our world. It dies in a hail of bullets and blood and bad deeds. Only a lucky few get out alive. Like Nico and Bella.

My phone rings. It’s Crazy Joe.

“The name Dario Rancini mean anything to you?”


“If you’re involved with him, you will want to uninvolve yourself.”

Darkness slides through me. “Tell me what you know and don’t leave a goddamn thing out.”



It’s a quiet night at Lair. Which is a godsend, since I’m preoccupied after spending time in the peep room with Massimo. But I’ve only managed to spill a drink on one customer tonight, so I’m taking that as a win.

Later in the evening, a group of suits saunter in and immediately take ownership of the corner booth. Four of them, all looking as important and entitled as the next. They order a bottle of champagne and vodka cocktails.

I take the tray of drinks over to the suits in the corner of the room.

“Good evening, gentlemen,” I say, placing the champagne in the center of the table

One of them whistles. “Now that’s some gorgeous real estate I’d like to explore.”

He sweeps a gaze up and down my body.

“Real estate I could spend a lot of time enjoying,” his friend with the red hair adds with a crude lick of his lips.

I let their disrespectful comments slide because I know how to pick my battles. I need this job, and schooling these leering pricks is going to take more time than I’m willing to spend with them.

“Are you on the menu?” The first guy asks.

I cock an eyebrow at him. “Do you see me on the menu?”

“No, but I’m hoping.” He grabs my wrist.

“You keep grabbing at me, and you’ll be hoping for a new set of balls.”