“The performers can’t see them?”

“The glass screen separating the performers from the patrons has two options: transparent or dark mode. When the patron selects the transparent mode, the performer can see them. When it’s in dark mode, they cannot.”

“And the performers and patrons are always separated?”

“Some performers like audience interaction, but not all of them. The clients have to let us know prior to the booking if they want to participate because certain things need to be arranged.”

“Like what?”

“Health checks, for one. And security checks. This club is a safe place for everyone. If someone wants to bang a performer, we need to make sure our performers are safe.”


“But most people just like to watch while getting a hand job off their other half.”

Wanna come play, little girl.

The memory flashes briefly in my mind. The stroke of a woman’s hand up and down a giant cock. The drawl of pleasure in his groans. Even now, it still sends a spike of pleasure between my legs.

“Right, got it.” I smile and try to ignore the pulse in my clit.

Eve smiles. “Do you have any questions?”

“Yes, slightly off topic. But how old are you?”


“Wow, I didn’t pick that.”

“How old did you think I was?”

“Mid to late twenties. You have the confidence of someone who has been doing this a while.”

“That’s because I used to work here during college breaks. A few months ago, I decided it was way more fun working here than going to college, so Massimo put me on as executive assistant to the old manager. The manager had a heart attack a couple of months back, and since then, I’ve been overseeing all of it. Believe me, no one is more surprised than me that I am actually really good at this. I never thought I’d be scheduling dildo sex sessions for rich men in suits who like to watch while dancing their hand in their pants. But hey, when it’s your calling, it’s your calling, right?”

I don’t just like Eve, I think I actually love her.

“That’s the thing about Massimo. He knew I could do this. Even when I didn’t, and he gave me the opportunity to prove to myself that I could. He’s like that.” I’m only vaguely aware of someone entering the arcade. “Speak of the devil.”

I turn around to see Massimo behind me, and my stomach tightens. He looks insanely hot in his fitted midnight-blue shirt, black vest, and black pants.

“Ladies,” he says with that smoky drawl that only ramps up the throbbing need between my legs.

His gaze lingers on me, and mine on his, and something tight and delicious pulls between us.

“Well, I’ll let you kids catch up.” Eve puts a warm hand on my arm. “Enjoy your first peep show.”

She walks away, and suddenly I feel nervous.

Massimo offers me his arm. “Ready?”

I take his arm. “No, but when has that ever stopped me?”

Stepping into the peep room, we’re immediately cloaked in darkness. Massimo guides me to the table and chairs in the middle of the room, and we take a seat.

It’s cooler in here, and because it’s so dark, all my other senses have kicked into gear. It smells clean with a subtle hint of sandalwood mingled with whatever sorcery Massimo is wearing.

Honestly, a man shouldn’t smell as good as he does. It makes me want to press my face to his skin and drown in his scent.

Massimo pours us a glass of champagne from a waiting bottle.

“I shouldn’t, I’ve got to work my shift after this,” I whisper.

“One glass to ease your nerves.” He hands it to me.

“Thank you,” I whisper again.

“Why are you whispering? We’re the only ones in here and we’re not doing anything wrong.”

He’s right. But sitting here in the dark with all my senses on hyperalert, it feels so… wicked. My nerves tingle all the way through me, right down to my toes.

But it’s also a little intimidating.

I have so little experience with this stuff it makes me anxious.

Yet, I feel safe with Massimo, like nothing bad can touch me when I’m with him.

I’ve been surrounded by Mafia bad boys my whole life. Ruthless killers. Psychopathic soldiers. Brutal hitmen. But no one has ever made me feel as protected as he does. Because I know if it came down to it, Massimo wouldn’t let anything happen to me.

And I don’t know how to feel about that.

We’re meant to be rivals, but somehow we’re not.

Not when you strip away all the family rivalry, and all the bloodshed and egos that led to stupid decisions and unforgivable acts. We’re just two people whose lives were tainted by the actions of others, sitting in the dark about to watch a near-naked woman dance for us while sexy music fills the room.

Oh God.

I take a desperate gulp of champagne, and whoa, it’s heavenly.