Once we’re dried off, Natalie and I join Eve at one of the booths. The club is completely empty now. All the other staff except us have gone home for the night.

A glass of neat scotch sits in front of each of us.

“So you’re Massimo’s stepsister?” I ask.

“Guilty,” Eve says, lighting a cigarette and draping her arm across the back of the leather booth. “My mom came home from a cruise engaged to his father, and I gained a new family overnight. It’s been life-changing to say the least.”

If there’s one thing I know about, it’s overnight life-changing events.

“I was resistant at first. I knew the De Kysa name, I mean, who doesn’t, right? But I was scared for my mom. I mean, Gio De Kysa had a reputation, you know. Old school Italian Mafia. Connected. Ruthless. There were some rumors about him killing his first wife. Well, according to Google. But it turned out he really is just a big softie. He treats my mom like a queen, and she laps it up.” She grins. “Once I started to come around to my mom marrying the old don, I realized I’d gained two brothers and a sister. Granted, they weren’t exactly the brothers I’d dreamed about growing up as an only child, but we quickly became close.”

“A sister?” Natalie asks.

“Arianna. She’s the youngest. She lives in Italy now. But she visits New York a few times during the year and despite the distance we’re close.”

“Were you close to Nico?” I ask.

Her gaze drops to the scotch in front of her. “We were getting there.”

“I’m sorry he died,” I say.

She lifts her gaze and regards me with a curious look. “Even after the loss of your father?”

“Even after the loss of my father,” I say.

I feel Natalie’s eyes on me. “That’s cool, princess. Forgiveness is a big thing.”

I glance at her and she gives me a wink. Which is in stark contrast to the daggers she usually sends my way.

“I adore Nico,” Eve says, then quickly adds, “I mean, I adored him. But Massimo and I were always closest. I guess because Nico died before I had a chance to get really close to him. But Massimo, he and I just clicked right away. He’s changed a lot since Nico’s death, but I still see the old Massimo every now and again. Especially since your arrival.”

“Really, how?”

“Well, he visits the club more since you started.”

“Yeah, probably to make sure I’m not going to accidentally burn it down.”

Natalie laughs. “Well… I mean, there have been a few close calls.”

“Says the girl who set fire to her future husband.”

She grins as she raises her scotch to her lips. “And I’d do it all over again.”

“It took a lot of guts coming here to ask Massimo for a job, given your history. You’ve got some lady balls on you, and I like that.” Eve clinks her glass against mine.

I take a sip of my scotch. I’ve never tried it before. I’m a champagne kind of girl who enjoys cocktails with her girlfriends on the weekends. But this is something completely new, like liquid fire that burns a volcanic path of heat through my chest. I start to cough.

I push it away but Eve pushes it back. “Keep going, it gets better.”

I lift my scotch in a toast. “Well, cheers to us getting through a night without killing each other.”

“Barely,” Natalie says, clinking her glass to mine.

I’m under no illusion that we’re friends. But it’s nice to have some girl talk again.



The next day, I arrive at the Peep Arcade early before Massimo shows up so Eve can explain the process of the peep shows and what they offer to the clients.

“It’s an exclusive club. Clients pay a yearly membership to participate in the peep arcade.”

“So anyone can join?”

“If they have the hundred k for the membership fee.”

“A hundred thousand dollars!” My eyes almost pop out of my head. “What do they get for that amount of money?”

“Exclusivity. People with money like to be a part of something elite and limited. They also get treated very well. We cater to their every whim. From their favorite alcohol and food to very enjoyable membership evenings that are invitation only. They alone are a major attraction. There is a lot of money in this city, and a lot of people want to spend it on their pleasure.”

I had no idea anything like this existed. Now I’m intrigued.

Eve continues. “All our clients receive a digital portfolio of all the performers available. Options range from burlesque dancers to multi-partner sex. The client can select what they want to see the performers do. From dancing and simulated masturbation to full sex, bondage, MF, MM, MFM, MMF… you name it, we cater for it. All for an exorbitant price, of course. But our clients are rich, some of them filthy rich, and they like to pay to watch their fantasies play out in front of them under the cloak of anonymity.”