I’m so fucking here for it.

He might not be taking my virginity but he’s going to give me my first orgasm that I didn’t give myself.

“Oh, my God,” I moan. “I’m going to come.”

He growls and I unravel on top of him. My head falls back and my throat arches. I cry out as the most heavenly sensation blooms through my body, the bliss spreading out through every nerve and fiber like warm water. I press my palm to Massimo’s chest and can feel his racing heart beneath my fingers. His head falls back and his eyes lose focus as he comes beneath me.

Watching Massimo’s face as he comes is like witnessing a work of art getting even more beautiful. It’s raw and hot and spectacular, and knowing I’m the one who is putting that look on his face fills me with a confidence I’ve never felt before.

I press my forehead to his again and take in his scent as our bodies come down.

“Our secret,” I whisper against his lips.

“Our secret,” he replies.

I move off his lap and adjust my dress. My skin has cooled and I slide Massimo’s jacket back over my shoulders.

He moves his hand along the seat to cover mine, and we ride the rest of the way to my home in a comfortable easiness. Which isn’t surprising considering Massimo De Kysa is probably the nicest man in the world.

When we pull up to my house, he squeezes my hand.

I look at him and feel my heart flutter.

“Please don’t tell Nico I was there tonight,” I say softly.

His smile is beautiful. “Your secret is safe with me, little monster.”

He kisses me and it’s goodbye.

I don’t watch him drive away. Instead, I slip inside the security gates and walk along the long driveway to the house and disappear inside.

For the tiniest moment, I let myself think about marrying Massimo. But like he said, he isn’t the marrying kind.

Marriage is like setting fire to your life and a hoping it doesn’t burn.

I’ll probably never see him again but I kind of like that.

Tonight, he gave me my very own secret, one I can keep safe from all the prying eyes in my life, and one I can return to whenever I want to remember how it once felt to experience something real.



The man tied to the chair is bloody and broken. He’s also gagged but that isn’t stopping him from trying to call me every damn name under the sun. Sweat beads on his brow, and blood and vomit and spit drip from his unshaven chin. He knows he fucked up. He knows he’s going to die.

I stand in front of him. Far enough away that his blood and spit and desperation doesn’t get anywhere near me or my suit. My arms are relaxed in front of me, a Beretta resting in my hands. “Are you ready to talk, Enzo, or am I going to have to beat some more manners into you?”

Enzo’s hatred for me is rampant in his eyes. But he knows he’s waging a losing battle. He nods, and I gesture to Matteo to remove the gag from his mouth. When he does, Enzo mutters stronzo under his breath, which earns him another strike to his jaw from Matteo. Enzo spits, and Matteo strikes him again.

“Enough,” I warn them, my voice echoing through the underground garage.

Matteo steps away and straightens his cuffs. He removes a handkerchief from the breast pocket of his suit and wipes the blood and spit off his hands.

I don’t move. I remain relaxed. My back straight. My shoulders square. My feet wide apart in a stance that says I fucking dare you.

“I’m going to ask you one last time, Enzo, who gave the go-ahead?”

“Fuck you,” he says.

I point my gun at his forehead and take two powerful steps forward. “Say fuck you again and I plant a bullet in you.”

“You’re going to put a bullet in me regardless.”

“Yes, I am. But you need to ask yourself if you want a quick death, or”—I aim the gun at his groin—“a slow and painful one.”

He fights against his restraints to move his groin away from my gun.

“The choice is yours, Enzo. Now for the last fucking time, who ordered the ambush?”

A week ago, we were on our way to a meeting with the Draconi to discuss a territory truce. On the way, we were ambushed. We were in two cars. The front car took the brunt of the attack when a car smashed head-on into it. Two men climbed out and sprayed bullets like confetti. Three of my men died in the first car. By some miracle, I wasn’t hit when they sent a wave of bullets into the second car. Matteo and I walked away unscathed. Unfortunately, Alex, who was with us, died from multiple gunshot wounds.