Ricco slides it onto my finger.

“To new beginnings,” Ricco says, holding a glass of wine up to all of us.

I smile as we clink our glasses. “And happily ever afters.”




Jason leans over the table, looking incredibly dapper in his custom tux, his eyes twinkling at me. He’s brought a date, the date, and together, they look like they should be gracing the cover of a magazine.

“Honey, I have an idea.”

“Mmm?” I help myself to another shrimp skewer and tug one off the stick with delight. “What’s that?”

“You and Mr. Montavio renew your vows, like, yearly. And in honor of the occasion you throw the same exact party you’re throwing tonight.”

He grins at me, a dimple forming in his adorable cheek.

“Ah, so it’s Mr. Montavio, now that you’ve had your fill of open bar and fondue? Having fun, are we?” I ask, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively. His “plus one” is adorably nerdy, currently engaged in a heated discussion about hydraulic engines with Timeo.

“Oh, we are having fun,” Jason says with a sigh. “Now tell me as the bride you’ve had enough time to actually enjoy yourself?”

“Of course,” I say, as Ricco walks up behind me and glides his arm protectively around my shoulders. “It’s a day worthy of celebration.”

Leaning closer, Ricco kisses my temple. “I couldn’t think of a better reason.”

So, apparently these families like big to-do’s for weddings. We considered our options and chose a chic rooftop venue in the heart of Boston, the entire perimeter lined with opulent bouquets of wildflowers, the night stars lending a twinkling air of magic.

I picked out my dress without looking at the price tag, mostly because the catalog Marialena showed me didn’t have any.

“Mmm,” she said approvingly, when I pointed at an elegant white dress with billows of chiffon. “Nice choice. I do believe that one’s trimmed with Swarovski crystals.”

Who knew?

“I’m just here for the open bar,” Sarah says, a drink in each hand. “Have you seen the assortment?”

“I have,” I say with a wink. “We got to pick.”

“No wonder there’s four bottles of Captain Morgan,” she says with a wink. I know my sister’s fave.

“Mama,” Emmy, the most adorable little flower girl I’ve ever seen, asks. “When do we have cake?” Emmy’s preschool was closed because of a power outage the day of our cake testing, so she tagged along and hasn’t stopped talking about it since. Smart girl.

She’s also been showing remarkable restraint by not swiping some of the towering festoons of icing. Marco, on the other hand, not so much. We’ll forevermore have wedding pics featuring a cake-smeared ring bearer who simply couldn’t help himself.

After partying long into the night, Emmy falls asleep on Sarah’s shoulder and Ricco himself sits at the head table holding Marco, who’s snoring softly, still clutching two wedding favors in his chubby little fists.

“Now, you two,” Jason says, leaning down to scoop Marco up. “Time for Uncle Jason and Auntie Sarah to take over. It’s time for you to go catch that flight.”

“Flight?” I ask Ricco. He’s kept me in the total dark about the honeymoon.

“Yeah, flight,” he says with a smirk. “No questions. Get your bag and let’s go.”

A minute ago I felt as if I could’ve curled right up in bed with the two little ones and passed out still wearing my wedding dress, but now, I’m very much awake.

“What are you hiding up your sleeve?” I ask him curiously.

“An excellent memory,” is his only retort.


Leaning over the table, he cups my cheek and puts his mouth to my ear. “You once told me exactly how you’d like to honeymoon. Now, trust me and let’s get going. And for the love of God let me surprise you for once, before I have to spank that gorgeous ass of yours.”

“Ricco,” I hiss. “The children.”

“Are dead asleep. Now, go.”

This time he actually gives me a teasing swat, which I don’t even feel because of the layers of tulle, but it doesn’t stop his brothers and my friends from catcalling and hollering. Cheeks aflame, I plan to get even when we’re alone again.

Several hours later, we’re safely secured in his private jet, and he opens up his laptop.

“First stop, you nosy little girl,” Ricco begins. “A Mediterranean cruise. We’ll take a stop in Barcelona, Cannes, and Santorini.” Pausing, he waits for a response. I can only stare, my mouth hanging open.

“I’ve never been on a cruise,” I finally whisper.

“I know,” he whispers back. “I even paid extra so we get the balcony. Now instead of staying in a place the size of a pinhead, we get the upgrade to postage stamp.”

“Good,” I say with a decided nod. “You need your space the way you manspread.”

Ricco narrows his eyes at me and wags a finger. “You are in so much trouble,” he says in that raspy voice that makes me shiver. I love teasing him and can’t wait to consummate this marriage.