"How is it going to appear legitimate? How is he not going to know that it’s you?" I ask.

"We've already coordinated it with the authorities," Ricco says. "He's committing a criminal offense, so they're happy to have our assistance with this."

"And because they owe us a couple hundred favors, they'll turn a blind eye to whatever we tell them to turn a blind eye to," Timeo says.

Ricco leans in and says into my ear, “After we have Emmy back, and all the dirty details of what's going down are cleaned up, you and I are going to get a hotel. You can get a separate room if you want, but I want to see that you’re safe. You’ll give me that, Dani.” My heart feels like it’s breaking. I nod as he continues. “Emmy’s going to have room service for the first time in her life, and she'll be allowed to order anything she wants that you’re okay with. You can take a nice hot bath, and we’ll order dinner. How does that sound?"

"Like heaven," I say honestly. I don't tell him I still don't know where we stand, because right now, that doesn't matter.

Glancing at his watch, he nods. "It's time," he says. "We're ready. Let's do this." Ricco checks his weapons. He checks me. He nods to Timeo over the video surveillance, and like magic the group sets up a fake road construction zone. It looks completely legitimate, and quickly cars start taking an alternate route. No one is coming in this direction.

"Checking in with surveillance," Ricco says. "I want a report the second you see his car."

“Sighted, sir.” One voice comes through on speaker, giving a coordinate and an estimated time of arrival.

They're one minute out.

I'm breathing heavily, my hands sweaty. I wipe them impatiently on my jeans, and Ricco catches my eye. "Hey," he says, his voice husky and deep.

I swallow hard. "What?"

"Dani, I want you to wait in the restroom. It has brick walls, and there are stalls you can hide in if you need to. We have no way of telling if he's being followed or traced."

"I don't care if he is, Ricco. I'll fight for her."

"Of course you will," he says. "And I'll give you that chance. But don't you realize that we're gonna stand a much better chance this way?”

“But he’ll know who you are, won’t he?”

“I’m going to hold that off. Can you at least step to the side of the doorway, so he doesn't see you right away? Emmy will come to you, and I will make sure to defend you."

I nod. “Yes, of course.” I swallow. “Let's do this."

"Coming your way, sir."

"What’s he driving?" I ask him, just because I feel the need to know all the details. It doesn't really matter, because the only car heading our way will be Nick and my daughter.

"Blue Mazda,” somebody says. I don't even know who it is at this point. My adrenaline is surging, my heartbeat pounding. I can hardly hear myself think. I'm tapping my foot, trying to calm my nerves, when the hum of tires on asphalt reaches us.

“He's here," Ricco says. “I want a team assembled to catch him if he runs. Do not hurt him. I repeat, do not hurt him. I want him in one piece when I get him."

This is a side of Ricco I haven't seen before. He has that same cold, angry look he had when he was talking to the police officers outside of the school. It's almost as if he's put on a mask, hidden his real identity, and now he's sliding into the role of protector.

He pulls on a ball cap and a pair of shades. It will buy him a little time, anyway.

I imagine this is how he looked that night he attacked Nick. I imagine this is how he looked when Nick fell and hit his head.

I wonder how he looked when he thought Nick was dead.

The car comes to an abrupt stop. Ricco goes out to meet them. I stand back, watching this all unfold.

"Get out of the car." Nick is not visible from where I’m standing, but I can guarantee he's about to lose his mind.

I shift a little so I can see for sure that it is Nick when he rolls the window down. I want to hit him. I feel sick. I want to cry. After all this time, I thought he was dead. There was a time when I loved him.

“What is this bullshit?” he says, his voice garbled and too high-pitched. I remember that Sullivan said he was high, and I could fucking kill him for driving in that condition with my daughter in the car.

Ricco pulls out a gun. "Come out with your hands up. Do not touch a weapon. Do not reach for the little girl."