I want Ricco inside me. Not just next to me, not just making me come, but inside me in a way that only he can be.

"Ricco…" I say, still breathing rapidly from the last orgasm. "Please."

“Please what, baby?"

"I want you inside me."

I've never had sex with a guy so soon after meeting him.

There are a lot of things I’ve never done before, but here we are.

"You want me in you?" Ricco asks, his eyebrows rising to the heavens. “Really?"

"Of course I do."

"Not gonna go there for myself tonight. But I wanted that for you." He holds me against him. "You think on this. And if your answer is still yes tomorrow, when you're not drunk on whatever you're drunk on tonight, then we'll talk. For now, I want to come home with you. My sister’s watching Marco. Sarah’s watching Emmy. Let me come home with you."

"Of course."

When we arrive at my place, we’re kissing as soon as we hit the threshold. He lifts me and carries me to my bedroom, our mouths interlocked.

"What's your normal routine at night?"

“Uh… fall asleep, still clothed, my makeup on, next to Emmy?”

He grins, and I love seeing him grin. The fierceness that surrounds him melts and nothing is left but the hot Italian sex bomb in front of me.

"Tell me what your ideal nighttime routine would be."

"Oh God, my ideal? On Planet Euphoria? Let’s see… I drink a nice cup of hot tea or maybe like a glass of wine or mixed drink or something to just relax at the end of the day. I'd wear some cute pajamas. Maybe watch a show, scroll the internet, read a book. Color, draw, something relaxing. Then I’d maybe take a shower because I don’t have time in the morning for that, do like an actual skin care routine that grown-ups do with like, toner and moisturizer and stuff and then I’d brush my teeth and brush my hair. And then I’d lay down and go to sleep and actually sleep all night."

Why does that sound even better than sex?

"Then let's do it."

"Let's do it?"

"Let's get you ready for bed."

He strips out of his clothes and jerks his head toward the bathroom. With a smile playing at my lips, I strip out of mine. He’s seen me naked now, and it feels damn good to have him look at me approvingly. When I'm down to my underwear, my bra off, I walk to my dresser and open the drawer. Everything’s neatly arranged, with a pretty pair of pajamas at the very top.

“Let me.” Ricco reaches around me, takes them out and holds them in his big, strong hands, as he sits on the edge of the bed.

"Come here."

I walk over to him, and he dresses me. At first, I think it might make me feel like a child but it doesn't. I feel much different. I feel so much stronger. This is amazing. He pulls the pajama shirt down over my head and helps me step into the matching pair of shorts, and when I'm done, he gives my ass a little smack. "Adorable. Go get ready." I walk to the bathroom, take out my contacts, and wash my face. I moisturize it, put a little dry shampoo in my hair and give it a brush. I floss my teeth and use mouthwash. It feels luxurious to do all these little things that I sometimes neglect.

When I leave the bathroom, he enters, and I don't know what he does, but a few minutes later, he comes out, looking fresh and clean, ready for bed.

I could get used to this.

He climbs into bed next to me. "In you go," he says, tucking the blanket around me.

I close my eyes. I did nothing I was supposed to do tonight. I indulged in my fantasies and I… went there with Ricco.

And I still don’t even really know who he is.




I like the feel of Ricco beside me when I snuggle down in the covers to sleep. I'm not sure what I expected after that hot time in the club, but I didn't expect this. Cuddles. Sleep. The strong, warm presence of him beside me. I totally thought we’d come back to the house and have sex. But no. We lie in my bed, and I'm so tired, I'm half asleep before he joins me. The events of the day have really worn me out, and he looks wiped out, too. I do want more than this, but not now. Not right away.

I'm still giddy from what happened at the club tonight. I will replay the memory of submitting to him over and over and over again. I roll over and cuddle up to him with a yawn.

"You know… I'm curious what else could happen at the club," I say, my eyes closed.