Gah. Oh my God, I love it. I want to hear it again.

I nod, my mouth dry. He cups my chin and tilts my head up so I’m staring into his eyes.

"I want you to do everything I tell you, without question," he says. "If you disobey, you will be punished. Do you understand?"

“Um, kind of?” I respond honestly. “I… sort of understand the concept of punishment but I’ve definitely never experienced it so I’m not… I’m not sure… I’m not sure what to expect.”

“Understood.” He smiles and drops my hand. Stepping back, he unclasps his belt.

My heart leaps into my throat. I watch, fascinated, as he loops it around my wrists.

“Kneel, please.”

Okay, that I can do. Tied up like this, I have to concentrate, but I do it.

He smiles. “Good. Just like that.”

Without thinking, I incline my head, bowing in… submission. I feel him kneel beside me and wrap an arm around me. I lean into his warmth and bask in his nearness.

“I’m so proud of you,” he whispers. “You did so well.”

When he kisses me, this time I kiss him back and relish his low hum of approval before he pulls away. I look into his eyes, and I lose a bit of any reserve I was holding onto. A part of me yearns so badly for this.

With a finger under my chin, he locks his gaze on mine. “Remember, Dani. If you disobey, I’ll have to punish you.” My heart skips a beat. “But if you obey my commands, I’ll reward you. Do you understand?"

I swallow and lick my lips. “I do.”

He caresses my cheek. “Good, just like that,” he says, as he arranges me in a submissive posture, my head bowed as I kneel, my hair cascading around me like a veil.

“When I tug your hair, pay attention, yes. But it can also be stress relief. A reminder.” His voice hardens. “A warning.”

While I may be kneeling, I feel like a queen. I’m shocked at the apparent contradiction, but I know with complete certainty… I chose this.

I’m willingly giving this man my submission, my trust. And his gentle touches and words of approval tell me he cherishes what I am willing to give.

"Now I am going to show you what it feels like to submit to me. I want you to trust me and let go of your fears."

I nod as I let Ricco’s words wash over me. His hand rests on the small of my back, and the tension slowly ebbs out of my body. I close my eyes when he tugs my hair, a thrill of pleasure and pain quickly giving way to arousal. My mind begins to clear. All my doubts and fears and worries become faded and blurred as I focus on nothing more than his fingers and the nerve endings that seem to be directly connecting the two of us.

I lose myself to his praise and correction, a tingle of pleasure rushing through me with his words of approval and a thrill of fear-laced arousal when he threatens punishment. My body thrums with need and trembles with anticipation as he coaxes me with his hands in my hair, easing me into this. I don’t even realize I’m fully kneeling before him until he caresses my cheek and praises me.

“I’ve never seen anyone do that more beautifully.”

Is that part of the demo or does he truly believe that?

“Such a good girl,” he murmurs. “You’ve earned my trust and a reward for being such a good girl.” Leaning in, he whispers in my ear. “But I have my limits for what happens in public.”

I’d completely forgotten that people were watching. I’d completely forgotten who I am. I’m intoxicated with his instructions and this strange contradiction of submission and power. And I’m more than a little distracted by what it means to be rewarded.

What will he do?

I thank him with a smile, unsure of how to proceed.

“A submissive who grants you his or her full trust should be rewarded,” Ricco says in a louder voice, reminding me of those others who are watching us. “Not everyone can submit. A Dominant should cherish the gift of his or her submissive partner’s submission.” He takes my bound hands and lifts me to my feet. My legs tingle with nerves as the blood rushes through them. I shiver a little, feeling as though I’m coming out of a dream world.

I thank him with a shy smile.

And he’s barely even touched me…




I feel drunk and alive, and so excited my nerves are on fire.

I walk with him as if I’m on a cloud, floating. My body’s tingling, and I’m so aroused that I can’t think beyond the pounding need that thrums through me. I want him, and I know that he wants me, too.

I swallow the lump in my throat because I don’t remember what it’s like being wanted. I can hardly breathe.