“Here we gooooo,” she says, pulling out the stack of clothes that Sarah gave me. I swallow as she unfolds a high-waisted skirt and sexy, off-the shoulder lace top in a feminine heather pink. “Oh, I love this,” she says, pulling out a sparkling pair of heels. “And these wedges are to die for!”

“My sister packed for me,” I say, almost apologetically.

“Girl. Listen, someone’s gotta pack for us sometimes. It’s all good. Now get your ass in these clothes before I call Ricco and tell on you.” She winks, reminding me of what Sarah said about me enjoying a spanking.

What on earth is this demo going to encompass tonight? What am I in for?

I tug on the skirt, and for some weird reason, I forget about my flabby belly and the dimples on my thighs. Here, I’m someone else, and I don’t care what anyone else thinks.

I’m sexy.

I’m beautiful.

I pull on the top next and try to tug it up to cover my shoulders, but Quinn slaps my hands away. “Nope, you don’t touch those!” She gives me an appraising look and grins. “Gorgeous. Now, makeup and hair. You got your shit in there?”

I nod.

“Close your eyes and let me do it.”

“I can do my own makeup,” I protest, but she shakes her head and steals my makeup bag from my hand.

“Of course you can. Or I can and give you a little bit of an upgrade.” She winks at me.

What do I have to lose. “Alright,” I say, hiding a grimace. “Let’s do it.” I close my eyes and lift my face. I let her poke and prod and do her thing until she finally announces, “Ta da! Now, babe, time to look at yourself in the mirror.”

She spins me around and faces me toward a full-length mirror. “Look at you,” she whispers. “You’re stunning.”

I stare at myself.

Sarah’s impulses were right. The high-waisted skirt and tight, revealing top emphasize my hourglass figure, my full breasts, and my curvy hips. The makeup highlights my high cheekbones and wide eyes framed in long lashes, my glossy pink lips completing the look. Then Quinn's hands are in my hair, and she's helping me style it.

I blink, staring at myself when we’re done. Who is this woman?

"Okay, there's some really nice mirrors here."

"Girl, it's not the mirrors. You're beautiful. Look at you."

"She is so gorgeous," somebody says in a Boston accent. I look over my shoulder to see a woman with breasts that are as big as her head walking in the room. Her lips are highlighted in bright red lipstick, and she’s wearing a sequined top and a little tiny skirt that barely covers her ass. How do people function in clothes like that? Still, she’s beautiful.

The woman extends her hand, her long, manicured fingernails a matching red. “Flo, doll. Pleased to meet you. Are you the girl demonstrating with Ricco Montavio tonight?”

I swallow and nod. “That’s me.”

“Oh, good,” she says before she stifles a bit of a nervous look. “Because he’s… well, he’s outside the door waiting for you.”

I fly into instant panic mode.

“I… I’m not ready.” I shake my head. “I can’t. I’ve never done this before.”

Quinn takes both of my hands in hers and gives me an earnest look. “Everyone has a first time.”

“Yup,” Flo says, snapping a huge wad of minty gum I can smell from where I’m standing. “Every artist. Every musician. Every teacher or performer or dancer. Everyone has a first time. But the experts, doll, those are the ones that keep going.”

“And,” Quinn agrees, nodding, “it’s Ricco. He’s one of the, ah… good ones. Trust me.”

One of the good ones.

One of the good men? One of the good Montavio brothers? One of the good Dominants?

One of the good what?

There’s a loud knock at the door and Ricco’s voice rumbles through. “Is Sasha in there?”

Goddammit, why’d I have to go and take that name?

“Yes!” I shout, as Flo and Quinn look excitedly at me.

“Ricco can be tough, like any of the Montavios,” Quinn explains. “I’ll tell you my story one of these days. But he also has a gentle streak.”

“Yup,” Flo says, nodding her head so her hair bounces around like a spring, her Boston accent thick and strong. “It’s because he’s a father.”

That he is.

My knees practically knocking together, I head to the door and open it. Ricco stands on the other side, only a few paces away. He’s… smoldering. Dressed in all black, the color emphasizing his strength and breadth, he’s freshly showered with damp hair, his eyes as black as coal.

“Hi,” I say nervously, tugging at a lock of my hair. I hold my head up high and try to remember I’m sexy and single and I’m not alone here tonight.

Ricco stares at me and shakes his head. “How dare you look so fucking gorgeous?” Leaning closer to me, his fingers lace around the back of my neck. “I can’t believe we agreed to demo. I don’t ever go back on my word, but tonight…” His voice trails off. “Tonight, I want you all to myself. We’ll do our demo. But for us, it will only be the beginning. When do you have to be home?”