Page 102 of Wreck the Halls

Trina leaned back against the couch cushion, considering that with pursed lips. “You’re right. That doesn’t make any sense.”

Being validated by her mother was like taking a deep breath for the first time in days. “Really?”

“Really.” Trina frowned. “The man might have been carried in the womb of a demoness, but, uh . . .” She rolled her eyes. “I mean, you were in the county jail for an hour and he acted like you’d served a ten-year sentence of hard labor. It was obvious that his sun rose and set on your happiness, Melody Anne. When you were singing ‘Rattle the Cage,’ he looked at you like his heart was dangling from your pinkie finger.”

That was painful to hear. All of it. “Maybe he changed his mind.” Melody swiped quickly at the tears that escaped her eyes. “I’m trying to remember everything we said while we were live on the air, but it’s a blur. I think we were both caught off guard by them bringing out Fletcher as a surprise guest—”

“Who?” Trina’s back went ramrod straight. “They brought out who?”

“Fletcher Carr,” Melody repeated. “You remember, the original Steel Birds drummer.”

“Remember him? He’s the reason the band broke up.”

That confession knocked the wind out of Melody. “He is?”

“My God.” The color had leached from her mother’s face. What was going on here? “Why the hell would he resurface after all this time?”

“This is why you need the internet, Mom. Or at least an email address.” Melody wet her lips, wary of how Trina would receive this next piece of information if the man’s reappearance had already triggered her so hard. “He offered to be part of the reunion. Live on the air.”

Trina shot to her feet and stomped to the other side of the living room. “Oh, the unmitigated nerve of that bastard.” Were her mother’s hands shaking? “Does Octavia know about this?”

“I assume she does.”


“And . . . I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to Beat in three days.”

Her voice cracked on that last word, drawing her mother’s attention. “I’m sorry if it seems like I’m ignoring your pain. I just . . . I can’t believe Fletcher would pop up like this out of nowhere. I’ll be honest, I was hoping he’d died in a freak accident or something. But isn’t it just like him to sit around, waiting in the shadows for his chance to terrorize us again.”

The truth hit Melody like a thunderbolt to the stomach.

Waiting in the shadows.

Terrorize us.

Beat’s odd reaction to Fletcher walking onto the soundstage. How he’d hardly spoken after the drummer’s appearance. And afterward, when they were off the air, he’d been an entirely different person. Not the man she loved. Not Beat.

“Oh shit,” Melody breathed, nearly doubling over. “Oh my God, Mom.”

Trina stopped pacing. “What?”

Telling Beat’s secret was wrong, but Melody did it anyway, because the truth was going to tear her in half if she didn’t let it out. “Beat has been getting blackmailed for five years. By his biological father. He wouldn’t tell me the man’s identity, but that’s him. It’s Fletcher Carr.” Her entire body was starting to shake—for so many reason. Chiefly among them was denial that Beat had been confronted with his emotional captor live on the air and he’d been reeling from that blow all by himself. Without her. Ridiculous that she should leap to worry for him while in the midst of her own torturous pain, but that was love, apparently. Putting someone’s well-being in front of your own. He would have done it for her . . .

He would have done it for her.

Melody lunged into a standing position, then had to use the arm of the couch for support so she wouldn’t topple over on her shaky legs. “That man. He must have said something to Beat. He must have . . . something to do with me, maybe? I don’t know.”

She was so lost in the shock of her realization that she didn’t notice her mother had gone white as a sheet. “Melody Anne . . .” Trina closed her eyes, swiping a wrist across her brow. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but take me to Octavia, please.”

Chapter Thirty

If Beat didn’t get out of his apartment, he was going to tear the walls down with his bare hands. The live stream had gone black half an hour ago and Danielle was no longer answering her phone. He’d been calling the producer nonstop for the last three days to assure himself of Melody’s safety, living in frozen fear that Fletcher Carr would show up on her doorstep looking for money, despite Beat’s efforts to throw the drummer off the trail—and the fact that staying away from her was eating him alive, bite by bite.

Now, his last image of Melody was of her sitting on her couch with Trina, shadows under her eyes. So delicate and strong and perfectly Melody, refusing to talk about him on camera.