But seeing such a sensitive piece in Steve’s hand throws me over the edge. It’s too much, and with a roar of rage, I attack the paunchy man with the vengeance of a warrior. But Steve sees me coming and before I can strike, he pulls a gun out from behind his back.

“Stop,” he sneers. “Your alpha male ferocity is total bullshit. Don’t come any closer.”

I pause, my hands up.

“You don’t need to do this, Steve. Put down the gun.”

Kimber freezes in place too, her eyes wide with fear.

“Please, Steve. Don’t.”

The middle-aged man merely brandishes the gun in the air while lifting her panties to his nose for another deep inhale. This time, he gets so high that his eyes literally roll back in his head a little, the whites showing.

“You forget that I hold the cards now. And you, Missy,” he says, nodding towards Kimber, “and you, Ed,” he says, nodding towards me. “Can’t stop me. I’m going to do what I want.”

“Steve, don’t do this,” I say in a low voice. “Whatever it is, you don’t have to go in this direction.”

The balding middle-aged man waves his gun in the air lazily, like he’s not afraid at all.

“No, I do,” he says. “You have no idea how much Kimber excites me. I want her slick cunt. I want to feel that tight asshole wrapped around my dick as she jerks me off.”

From the corner of my eye, I see my girlfriend’s face turn sheet white, but with a small twitch of my finger, I signal her to remain quiet.

“I get it,” I say in a low voice. “We all have urges, and no one is denying that Kimber is very beautiful. I get it. But Steve—”

Before I can go any further, suddenly a figure launches itself out of the air, knocking Steve to the ground. They tussle around a bit, and I can’t make out who it is. The stranger is smaller than Steve, yet their movements are so fast and furious that Steve’s incapacitated momentarily.

“Mom?” Kimber screams from her position on the lawn. “Mom, Mom!”

Belatedly, I realize that Sandra Forster has appeared out of nowhere. She likely overheard every word just now, including Steve’s disgusting comments about Kimber. As a result, Sandra’s punches come like lightning. The blonde woman may be small, but she’s wiry, and adrenaline fuels her movements.

“Shut up!” she screams, her face a mask of rage. “That’s my daughter! How can you speak like that?”

Steve can only groan on the ground, his face already a bloodied mess.

“Sandra?” he mumbles. “What the fuck?”

The older woman is sitting on his torso now, pummeling her husband with her fists.

“I always knew!” she screams. “I always suspected that you had the hots for my daughter, so I did everything and anything I could to keep Kimber out of the house! I sent her to after-school activities. I paid for sleepover camp. I encouraged her to do sleepovers at her friends’ houses. But it wasn’t for enrichment. It was because I didn’t trust you!”

Her punches rain down even harder then. Steve’s not moving anymore. He’s a bloodied lump on the lawn, and I run forward to try and stop Sandra before she kills the man. Fortunately, using my superior strength, I’m able to haul her off of him, and hand her over to policemen who have just pulled up to the curb.

“Mrs. Forster?” a male officer asks, hurrying over to Sandra. “What’s going on here? Come with me.”

Sandra’s led off somewhere as paramedics tend to Steve, who’s groaning as he lies on the ground in a curled fetal position. Meanwhile, I turn to Kimber. She’s white-faced with tears in her eyes.

“Are you alright?” I ask in a quiet voice. “That was a lot.”

She bites her lip, as one tear escapes, streaking down her cheek.

“I’m okay,” she says in a shuddering tone. “I’ll be okay. Let’s just get out here.”

“Absolutely, honey. Come on, let’s go. We’ll need to give a statement down at the station first, but we’ll go home after that, I promise,” I say. Then, I bundle Kimber into my car, and as we drive, she cries into her hands. I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but in my bones, I’m relieved. Kimber’s safe, and that’s all I care about.



Speaking with the police was a harrowing affair. I’ve never loved law enforcement, and being forced to confront the ugliness of my home life was brutal. But the story came out, and it feels like a huge burden has been lifted from my chest. I feel relieved at getting the nastiness out in the open, and no one doubts my tale. Even crazier, my stepdad was gripping my panties in his hand to the very last, and the paramedics had to pry them out of his fist. Gross. They’re probably in evidence now.