"I don't know," I murmured. I turned the phone over in my hand. "She sounded out of it, like she was drunk."

Anna slipped her hair behind her ear. "She started acting strange ever since you and Stefan came back from New York to Bali to wrap things up for your move back. For some reason I have a feeling you know why. Care to share?"

I drew in a deep breath. "Georgia walked in on us. She'd been watching him drinking from me. We had to explain what we are. The day I met you for lunch, she showed up at my house, unannounced and uninvited. She tried to convince Stefan or Lukas to change her. When that didn't work she cut herself, thinking that the smell of her blood would sway them."

"So Stefan erased her memory. Shit, what did he call it?" She scrunched her nose up. She snapped her fingers. "I remember! He forced his will on her."

"Yes. He didn't have a choice. He didn't want to change her because..."

"Because she's Georgia. Say no more." Anna waved her hand. She bounded around the counter and leaped to sit on the edge. "We haven't gotten to really talk since I.. woke up. You fought for me that night. You stood up to Derek. You never gave up on me, Josie."

Embarrassed, I looked up at Anna. Her brown eyes glittered. She'd never been sentimental as a human and I found it strangely odd she was being so emotional now.

"You'd do the same for me, right?" I questioned, looking up at her curiously. "How do you feel? Do you miss being human?"

Anna looked up at the ceiling. "I don't miss it but it's one hell of an adjustment. It's strange, Josie. I suddenly have no limitations, an endless life. I can see things I'd never seen before and I'm able to move faster than you can imagine."

"I was so scared you'd hate me," I mumbled. "I'm just glad you're here and you 're happy."

"You and me both." She gave me a spirited shove. "Enough of this mushy shit. Give me the dirt on your father and what happened last night."

An involuntary shiver shook my body. "You don't know about my father? I figured Lukas or Nikolaus would have filled you in."

"I know what they told me. I want the real deal, straight from the horse’s mouth."

"As far as my father is concerned, there's not a word to describe his creepiness. Nikolaus and I both think he sent Derek to Bali."

Anna's brow furrowed. "Your Dad tried to have you killed? Why?"

"Probably the same reason he killed my mother: control and power. I don't want anything to do with him and he doesn't like to be denied. My mother was leaving him when he killed her. Notice a pattern?"

Anna leaned back on her arms. "Your father killed your mother and then sent that piece of shit after you?"

"I think he sent Derek for numerous reasons, Anna. He and my father had been lovers, not to mention his ability to shift and take on another vampire form. Derek and Stefan had a tenuous background. Derek probably volunteered, especially when he figured he could just kill me. What better way to get even with your enemy?"

My stomach rolled as my mind took a reluctant trip down memory lane. If I were to close my eyes, I could almost feel the weight of Derek's body against mine, the cutting tightness of the restraints around my wrists. I forced my mind back to the present and to Anna.

"And what happened last night?"

I was getting ready to answer when Lukas breezed in. At some point, we really needed to set some boundaries. It was a battle I'd save for another day. Preferably a day when Stefan was here and could handle it.

Lukas looked at my yoga mat with dismay. "You don't have to do that yoga crap anymore. You aren't going to change. You're going to look the way you do forever."

"It relaxes me, Lukas." I watched as he perched on the stool, daintily crossing his legs. "I like the yoga crap."

"You should be the most relaxed person in the room the way you and Stefan go at it," Lukas muttered as he examined his fingernails. He looked up with a gleam in his eye. "Then again, I'd probably be stressed if I was such a hot commodity."

"Ok, what else did I miss?" Anna glanced at me inquisitively before focusing back on him.

Lukas beamed. He was going to get enjoyment from my little run in with Aidan last night. "It appears Josie has an old boyfriend in town. That had to be awkward little display.”

"I think it was awkward for Aidan," I said grouchily. I decided I'd act non-committal to not spur Lukas on. Grabbing the carafe, I filled it with water and began making coffee, taking my time putting the filter in and measuring the scoops of coffee into the basket.

Lukas waited until I faced them again. "Why pray tell would it be difficult for Aidan? Fill us in, sweet cheeks."

I smacked my hand on the counter angrily. "Dammit, Lukas. You know what happened. Do you enjoy making me feel worse than I already do? Is this your 'thing'?"

Lukas' already pale face blanched. His lips parted and I cut him off angrily before he could utter another word.