In the cold mist, a transparent figure materialized at his side until she became as solid as him. Tall and willowy, her deep strawberry blond hair fell in waves over her shoulders. Her filmy dress was as blue as the sea, her green eyes as dark as evergreens. Looking away, I met my mother's gaze. She was...

She nodded in answer to my unasked question. "Yes, this was you in your other form. Quiet, love. You must watch."

Stefan opened his eyes and acknowledged the vision in front of him. His soft lips curled up into a familiar smile and he opened his arms to her.

I watched in fascination as the other version of myself sank into his arms. Her fingers combed through his long hair, her lips moving silently at his ear, whispering inaudibly. His lips curled up at the corners, his eyes crinkled in laughter.

He was beautifully perfect even as a mortal. And he loved this creature that was somehow me, but not. It made no sense.

"See, he loved you even then. He doesn't remember the love you shared then, Josephine. The key for you both to remember is in the journals."

"What was I?" I stuttered. “I obviously wasn’t human.” Captivated by the scene in front of me, I couldn’t tear my eyes away from observing Stefan as he threaded his long fingers through her hair, just as he had my own so many times.

"It is still part of what you are. You simply took on a human form to be at his side when the time aligned properly, " Armes pointed out. "Look how you comforted him even then. You were with him until his human death, Josephine. Eudaemons can only remain along with the living. Once he became immortal, you had to leave him and he was forced to forget you until the time was right. He had many lessons to learn."

"An Eudaemon?" My voice sounded shaky as my mouth stumbled over the words. Garrett had a book with the entire section marked. "I'm a daemon?"

"Only a third. And it's not the negative thing you think it is. You were his good luck, a welcome spirit. Imagine yourself as a guardian angel of sorts. He wished to discover a way to keep you at his side or to be allowed to remain with you." Armes blue eyes almost seemed to see through me. "Solveig was the vessel to make him immortal. It took centuries for the preparations. Stefan had to be ready to accept you. You needed to be prepared to live as a human. Your planned arrival set off a flurry of events."

"What kind of events?"

"Find the journals. They will explain what I cannot, love," Armes sighed deeply. "We must leave. Our time here is over."

Grabbing my mother’s arm, I stopped her from turning away. "Is Stefan alive?

She beamed angelically. "Of course he is alive on this plane. You can see him as clearly as I can."

My hand tightened on her arm and I exhaled deeply. "Not here. Is he alive on the plane I’m currently existing in."

"Love, saying he is alive is subject to opinion. Technically he is dead." She towed me along with her. Shooting a quick glance over my shoulder, Stefan and the spirit version of myself had disappeared. My mother and I were alone on the sand, the biting wind from the ocean ruffling our hair. The salty smell of brine filled my nose, the salty spray dampening my hair.

My mother touched my cheek, her fingers as soft as silk on my skin. "If the fates allow, he will return to you. Trust destiny. It brought you together for a purpose."

Another obscure answer. "Mother..."

"Goodbye, love."

When I opened my eyes, Lukas sat watch over me from the end of the bed. His refined face sagged with worry as he rubbed his hands back and forth nervously.

"What time is it?" I mumbled, wiping my hand across my eyes. Attempting to get my bearings back, I felt more tired now than before I fell into my restless sleep.

Lukas pushed his sleeve back and glanced at the watch on his wrist. He heaved a defeated sigh and attempted to smile. "It’s a little after 10pm. Even though I’m happy to see you talking, you should go back to sleep."

"I can’t sleep. I had another dream, Lukas. I need to trust fate," I sat up on the bed cross legged and faced him.

"Fate," he snorted cynically. "You make your own fate, sweet cheeks."

"He'll come back to me. He didn't find me after 200 years for it end like this," I licked my dry lips. "He's a fighter."

Lukas rested his forearms on his legs. His head fell forward and his black hair obscured his eyes. "You’re right, he is a fighter. I'm just afraid."

I rested my hand gently on his shoulder. "You? What are you scared of, Lukas? If anyone can make it out of there, he can."

His blue eyes peeked through the inky darkness of his hair. "I’m scared of being alone. Or what will happen to you if he doesn't return. The's stronger than you. Without him, you won't survive it."

I gave his shoulder an affectionate shove. "Hey! He'll be back. There’s no need for you to worry your pretty little head about me going anywhere. Trust in him."

His head snapped up and the heaviness from his eyes lightened. His hand clasped mine and we sat in a companionable silence, listening to the muffled sounds of Anna and Nikolaus in the living room.