I wasn't sure if Nigel was privy to the true relationship of Amir and Stefan. From our earlier conversation, it seemed to be a heavily guarded secret. I doubted few knew.

"I hope to be. Let us continue," Amir replied. He opened a leather binder in front of him and scanned a paper, glancing up briefly from his notes to stare at me. "Josephine Anderson Ahearne. I am to assume that is you. Please stand."

Standing shakily, I rose and stood at Stefan's side. Tossing my hair back, I tilted my chin indignantly. "Josephine Anderson will do. I spent 28 years as an Anderson. There is no need to add the Ahearne now."

Amir sat back in his seat. His amber eyes sparkled brightly. "How much longer will you be an Anderson? You are soon to be a Lifsten, I presume?"

A loud hiss of disapproval sounded in the room at Amir's words. I attempted to swallow and it sounded more like a strangled gulp. Looking up at Stefan for assistance, I was surprised to see that he only offered me an encouraging smile.

"I noticed the ring on your finger. Are we to offer you our congratulations?" Amir asked before his eyes drifted back to the paper.

Finally finding my voice, I spoke softly. "Yes, soon to be Lifsten. As far as your congratulations, that's up to you to offer them or not."

"She is a fiery one, Stefan. She must be special if you are willing to marry her in a human ceremony," Nigel acknowledged. His eyes flickered between us both. Nigel managed to treat us as if we hadn't had a series of clandestine meetings over the last few weeks. He seemed cold and aloof, as if we were strangers. "Have you bonded with her?"

"Yes. We want to tie ourselves in my world and hers," Stefan stated. I felt his hand slip into mine as we stood together.

"I know of only one other vampire that ever married a human. It was your father, Josephine. It did not end well for Kian. Armes walked out on him shortly after your birth," Lenora said in her clipped, English accent. She twirled a strand of her long blond hair around her finger as she studied me intently.

It was probably imperceptible to anyone else, but both Stefan and Nigel flinched at the mention of Armes name. I pushed as much calm into my bond with Stefan as I could muster. Reacting badly to facts provided to the Council by Kian wouldn't help anyone now. I simply wanted to do what was necessary and leave.

"I think things will turn out much better for us," Stefan assured her. He squeezed my hand gently, rubbing his finger over my ring.

"Why worry about marriage? There is very little human left in her. Her heart barely beats as it now. It is a waste of your time," Sofia piped in. Her jealousy was apparent as she spoke again.

"It is unlike our kind to settle for anything without a reason. You have to see why it is confusing for us."

I felt like my head was on a swivel. It was difficult to keep up with their rapid fire question and answer session. It was also difficult not to unleash my shield on Sofia. It was tempting to let it wrap itself around her, efficiently snapping her apart.

"Actually I do not understand your confusion on the matter of our lives, Sofia. It does not violate any Council rules and I am not exposing our lifestyle to any mainstream media outlet. It will appear that two humans in love decided to marry," Stefan replied. "Any other question I can clear up for you? Remember to choose them wisely."

Sofia eyes narrowed into slits, her simmering envy boiling over into anger. She slammed her hands on the table and blurred to her feet. "This is an outrage! He has no respect for me, this Council or our questions. Since he has involved himself with the affairs of humans, he has forgotten his place.”

Stefan had no visible reaction to her outburst. His hand continued to hold mine reassuringly, his face an expressionless mask. His lack of reaction seemed to infuriate her more. She let out a wild snarl, her fingers gripping the edge of the wooden desk. For a split second, I could almost see her flipping the table over in her fit of rage. He'd made her that angry with his pointed words and lack of reaction.

Nigel shook his head and inhaled deeply. His hazel eyes rolled towards the ceiling. "Sit down. Enough with your usual theatrics, Sofia. You have shown zero respect for him with your offensive line of questioning. Josephine is the daughter of a Board member and Stefan is centuries your senior. Know your place, Sofia."

Letting out a disgusted huff, she gracefully lowered herself into her chair. Her eyes met mine and she stared unblinkingly at me. It was unnerving, knowing this strange vampire hated me for no apparent reason. There had to be more to it, but Nigel's voice interrupted my thoughts as he continued.

"Let us get back on track. Josephine, we are going to ask you questions regarding the night Derek expired. Please answer them honestly," Nigel shuffled through his papers. "What happened that day?"

"I was meeting Anna at my villa in Bali. I was signing paperwork to sell my house. Derek had taken on the form of Lukas and when my back was turned, he hit me with something. When I woke up, I was bound to a chair in the kitchen," I said shakily, closing my eyes against the vivid memory.

"Did he say why he was there?" Nigel asked. He tented his fingertips under his chin and leaned forward.

Stefan's rush of encouragement through our bond gave me the strength to continue. "He told me he was sent to bring me back, but decided to kill me to settle a score with Stefan. He brought Anna out. It was clear he'd beaten her while I was unconscious. She had a bloody nose and her face was bruised."

"Did Derek mention who sent him to Bali?" Amir queried. His sudden question caused all of the Council members to look at him curiously.

"No. He just kept telling me I was going to die. I focused on trying to keep him talking and occupied. I was hoping Stefan would wonder where I was and would look for me since our flight back to the US was that evening. Derek was ready to kill me when Stefan burst in."

"How did you know he was going to kill you?" Sofia spat. "I can't see what he'd possibly gain."

Before I could answer, Lenora spoke up. "You're going to question her account? We all knew Derek was a loose cannon and he hated Stefan. He may have been talented, but he was a bloody wanker. Continue, Josephine."

Stefan's deep voice brushed against my mind. "You are almost there. Finish this so you can leave, vackra."

"Like I said, Stefan found me. Derek had already attacked Anna and left her to die. He was ready to bite me when Stefan...finished him." I could feel my shoulders sagging in relief as I concluded my story. I'd been able to recount the whole incident without wavering or breaking down.