“I think this is it. He’s sending me a message. His journals are there.” I pointed at the numbers, tracing the slight indent with my finger. I knew them all too well. “It’s my hometown in Ohio. My uncle knew the issues I had from an early age. In retrospect more than likely it was because he knew my mother had the same or similar ability. He chose to move us to a smaller town for me. We lived in a rural area in Southeastern Ohio. He was the librarian at the local university. It was difficult, but it could have been worse. He taught me how to shield my mind, how to cope with reading the future of every person I came into contact with on a much smaller scale than living in a big city.”

“Why would he send you back there?” Stefan questioned. His mind spun into action, his fast-moving thoughts challenging to monitor. “You have his possessions with you, yes?”

Turning my head to nuzzle my nose against his cheek, I let out a small breath. “I do have some of his things. But their house is still there. When they died, I packed up the things I wanted to keep. I couldn’t bear to sell the house, so I pay a neighbor to act as a caretaker for the property. It’s possible Garrett’s journals could be there. Somewhere.”

Stefan sat up straight and ran his long fingers over my thigh. “This will have to wait until after the meeting. We cannot leave until after the situation with the Council is resolved.”

“I know, sweetheart.” I nodded in agreement. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling my back against his chest. “What do you think my mother meant when she said it all began when I took on this human form?”

I detected his hesitation in the bond. “I think we both know what it means. Your recollections of my memories means you are more than simply this hybrid creature we think you are. We just do not know what the more happens to be.”

He continued to hold me in his arms as we surveyed the destruction of the room. We’d haphazardly ransacked the boxes, leaving books and papers tossed in messy piles as we searched.

Stefan’s lips tickled against my ear. “Your brother is on his way up to talk to you. Would you like me to leave or to stay?”

“Stay. But let me tell him about our mother. It’s better that he hears it from me, don’t you think?” I asked quietly. I turned in his arms and looked up into his incredibly handsome face. His blond hair was messy, his face smeared with dirt and ink from the books.

“Then I will stay and let you talk to your brother.” Stefan lowered his mouth to mine, catching my lips in the softest of kisses. “No matter what we find out, we will do it together. We were separated for much too long to do this alone, vackra.”


Nikolaus had arrived as Stefan predicted and was now sitting in his usual seat on the couch, his heavily tattooed arms stretched across the back of the couch. He was edgier than usual, glancing from Stefan to myself before nervously gnawing on his lower lip.

“I know you have things to tell me. I woke up this morning with this weird feeling in my gut. For a while, it was like you weren’t even here anymore. So just spill it already.”

Just as Nikolaus had his usual seat sprawled on the couch, I occupied my normal spot curled on Stefan’s lap. He cradled me in his arms and gently traced patterns on my back with his fingers. I glanced up at Stefan in question and he nodded.

“Where do you want me to start?”

Nikolaus let out a loud exhalation of aggravation. “You could start telling me why you’re wearing a gigantic diamond on your finger and we’ll go from there. That might be a nice beginning point.”

Glancing down at the ring that adorned my left hand, my eyes traced the diamonds and rubies lovingly. “Stefan and I are now bonded. He asked me to marry him and I accepted. We won’t be doing anything soon, but we want to be committed in every way possible. The more ways we are connected, the harder it will be to separate us.”

“You’re expecting my father to attempt to separate you again? Sounds about right.” Nikolaus’ green eyes turned to slits as he sized up Stefan. “You could have asked me first. I am her brother after all.”

“Nikolaus, it was a spur of the moment thing. We bonded and my thoughts switched to thinking that the ritual was more than a simply a marriage. He offered to marry me and at first I turned him down. I didn’t want him to feel obligated to marry me out of protection. Lukas was quick to point out the error of my ways.” Reaching up, I absently stroked Stefan’s cheek. His much bigger hand quickly grabbed it and brought it to his lips, slowly and painstakingly kissing each finger with his soft lips. With his simple touch, my barely checked longing unleashed inside of me. Renewed desire coursed through my veins, leaping to life under the sensation of his lips on my skin. I could feel his need simmering in his thoughts as he kissed each fingertip sensuously.

Nikolaus cleared his throat, rubbing his forehead with the palm of his hand. “Let’s move along. What else happened? You were off the radar for a while this morning.”

Taking a deep breath, I glanced up at Stefan. “He needs to know. I have to tell him, Stefan.”

Stefan released my hand and slouched deeper into the chair. He gave me an almost imperceptible nod. “Then you need to tell him.”

Lifting myself from his lap, I went to sit at my brother’s side. He twisted slightly on the couch to face me, his face filled with eager anticipation. “I met our mother. But it was more than a dream, Nikolaus. It was real.”

He said nothing. His green eyes lost focus as he stared at me, disbelief creeping over his striking face. “What do you mean you met our mother? Josie, this isn’t funny.”

I placed my hand on his arm and he quickly jerked away from my touch. “You can read my mind and you know I wouldn’t bullshit you, especially about this. It happened last night Stefan and I met with Nigel. I’m assuming you know about our father’s journal?”

Nikolaus slowly nodded. “Nigel showed me the book yesterday after he met with you. It was disgusting, but not unexpected. He also told me you were asking questions about the other two Board members. It’s better to not ask questions you don’t want the answers to, Josie.”

Touching his arm again, I was pleased that he didn’t pull away. “I do want the answers. Our father is evil, worse than probably either of us can possibly imagine. In a few hours, Stefan and I have to head over to testify in front of the Council members regarding Derek’s death. We both know our father will be waiting to attempt to approach me. I need to know everything I can…”

Stefan interrupted me, his deep voice deadly calm as he addressed my brother. “Nikolaus, two things I know for certain. One, your father brutally killed your mother. Two, he experimented on your siblings when they exhibited no power, no use for his bigger plan. For some reason, you and Josie were both spared. The bigger question is why. Armes appeared to Josephine in some sort of dream or vision. Your mother told her many things neither of us understand yet. From what we discovered today, I am inclined to believe your uncle left information for your sister. We just need to find it.”

Nikolaus swallowed hard. His eyes closed and when they reopened, his hand clasped mine. I opened my mind to him, giving him free access to my memories of the experience I’d had with our mother. It was easier than trying to explain every feature and I didn’t want to leave out a single detail.

“She told me to tell you she loved you, Nikolaus. She didn’t want you to blame yourself for what happened to her. There was no way you could have stopped Kian. You were a child yourself.” I held his hand reassuringly. “I have to find the information that our mother said Garrett left for me. Then we can begin to right the wrongs of our father. I never knew our mother, but I love her. I want justice for her too.“