Tears burned my eyes. Either the alcohol had brought on my sudden emotional state or the helpless reality of the situation finally registered. My throat became tight and the room began to spin.

Stefan's voice sounded far away when he spoke. "Nigel, I need to take her home. She has had enough for one day."

I felt myself being lifted into Stefan's arms. He held me against his muscular chest, his steady gait barely moving me.

"Stefan..." My mind weakly reached out for him.

The comforting cadence of his mind brushed against mine. The bond wrapped around me like a comforting blanket. "Shh. We will be home soon."

Nodding softly, I clutched his shirt in my fingers. I sank into the peaceful blackness that sleep had to offer.

Chapter 6

Blinded by the Light

One moment I was cradled in the secure embrace of Stefan’s arms and the next thing I knew I was surrounded by a dazzling brightness. Attempting to shield my eyes with my hands, I squinted against the light as I tried to make sense of where I was, yet there was nothing or no one. Alone, I was simply surrounded by nothingness, the air shimmering, swirling around me like a mist.

Through the glaring starkness, a woman’s voice trilled out. "Josephine, don't be afraid."

Spinning around in search of the melodic voice, a dark haired woman approached me through the light. As she came closer, I recognized her. It was the woman I’d seen so many times in Nikolaus’ thoughts. It was our mother. Armes was more beautiful than what his memories had shown me.

"Mother?" I took a cautious step towards her in the hazy whiteness. "Where are we?"

"We are in between. Neither here nor there," Armes replied. She looked ethereal, dressed in a gauzy white dress, her long brown hair billowing in wild waves around her stunning face. Her almond shaped blue eyes were bright like sapphires in the pale snow of her skin.

"Am I dead? Is that why I’m here with you? I don't understand what's happening," I whispered. I shifted closer to her, drawn to the glowing warmth emanating from her. “Can you tell me what’s going on?”

Armes turned her head to the side, viewing me curiously. Her lips bowed into a breathtaking smile. "There is little to explain that you do not already know, love. You willingly chose Stefan. Your human life is ending and your immortal life will now start. It began the moment you took on this form for Stefan."

My brow wrinkled in confusion at her odd choice of words that seemed as complex as a riddle. "Of course I chose to be with Stefan. I love him. And I chose this form? I don’t understand.”

Her musical laughter bubbled out, entrancing like wind chimes pealing in the breeze. She reached forward and smoothed my hair lovingly. "Darling, you may have chosen him, but in your world your choice is merely destiny in disguise. You were made to be with Stefan. It was always your destiny and now you have been reunited. You consented to the bond and offered yourself to him in love. He accepted your offering. And now you wear his ring and have agreed to be his."

Her soft words stunned me. As I regained my wits, I glanced down at the sparkling diamond on my finger, unconsciously rubbing over it with my thumb. "The memories of Stefan from his human life… they weren’t just memories. I was there, wasn’t I? How could that be?”

Armes shifted closer until she clasped my shoulders gently and kissed my forehead. “Then do not question what you already know to be true. The night on the rooftop, your consent and his acceptance changed everything. Along with the blood exchange, it lit you from within and you are now one. You are changing to be at his side, losing the last of your human limitations. It is time.”

"The the blood tie only formed because of our love,” I reminded her. My voice sounded shaky, and unsure. What she was saying made no sense. “Mother, what is it time for?”

"It is time for your awakening. The blood tie between you both is irrelevant, Josephine. As I said, your consent and his acceptance solidified your sacred bond. Stefan's vision foretold you being his mate long before even I was born. He is very powerful, your man. He will protect you and you will stand at his side as his equal in every way. You are the light to his dark. Our lineage carries goodness. Trust in him to protect you as you will protect him. You are becoming more powerful," Armes murmured. She clutched my hand tightly. "Do not be afraid. It is your fate, as my fate and destiny was to bring you into this world."

The frustration I was feeling crept into my voice. "I know he will protect me. There's so much that doesn’t make sense. You mentioned our lineage. Are you telling me that I’m something more than a human and a vampire? Please mother, you need to help me make sense of all of this.”

"Your powers are changing, love. You’ve already discovered that you have the ability to project your gifts. Learn to strengthen what you have been given. You will need to search out Garrett's journals. They will help you both understand."

What was it with my family and their journal keeping? Is seemed like such an antiquity to keep written journals, yet little about my family seemed normal. "Garrett kept journals? Will they explain how I was destined to be with Stefan and explain what I am?"

"There is more to this than fate and destiny. You need to remember that instead of focusing on such a trivial part of the bigger picture. We all have our path to travel. Yours just happens to be different than most." She smiled again. "My only regret is to never have known you, yet I do not regret a single thing. Garrett did a beautiful job raising you. You have almost reached your full potential, Josephine. He nurtured and helped you as you grew. Your instincts and gift kept you safe until you were ready to meet Stefan."

Her second mention of my uncle caused a wave of melancholia to wash over me. "Garrett was a good man and a better father. He was always there with advice and support. I just wish I would have told him how much I loved him before…"

"Kian interfered. He knows, sweet girl," Armes cut in and sighed heavily. "My time here grows short. I must go."

"Wait! You can't leave. You didn't tell me where to find the journals. I've looked through all of Garrett’s books and I never found any journals." I became almost frantic as I sensed her approaching departure. "Mother, will I see you again?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. I'll always be with you. Trust Stefan and your heart. I should have trusted mine. I should have listened to Nigel." Armes spun to leave when she suddenly turned to face me again. "One more thing, Josephine. Tell Nikolaus to forgive himself. He couldn't have stopped or prevented what happened that day. Give him my love and know that I am with you both in light and love.”

The brightness around her began to fade and I could feel myself slipping away from her.