"Then no," I denied matter-of-factly, stretching to peck the cleft in his chin. "No deal."

"It is important," he gently scolded and leaned into my mouth, enjoying my little bites and licks.

"This is more important. We've talked enough," I countered. I alternated between kissing and nibbling across his stumbled jaw line, dragging my teeth over it lovingly.

"You will be the death of me," he begrudgingly replied. He hugged me closer, our bodies molding together.

"Never," I retorted, kissing the corner of his mouth. "I won't allow it."

"You enthrall me. Completely captivate me." He caught my face in his massive hands and dragged me out of his throat. Back in control, he swooped in and launched his own offense, kissing and biting my lips in return.

Melting against him, I relaxed my lips against his willing mouth, enjoying the gentle persistence of his kiss. Much too soon for my liking he drew away.

"I am serious. We need to talk," Stefan whispered. I could tell by his tone he was resigned to tell me what he felt I needed to know.

Dread washed over me. Stefan never passed an opportunity to fool around to talk. "It must be important. What's going on?"

"There is a journal."

"A journal?" I repeated, confused. "What are you talking about?"

He released me from his embrace, standing and motioning for me to sit in his vacated desk chair. I sat and watched as he leaned against the edge of the desk, his long, muscular arms crossing under his chest. His blue eyes turned into icy glaciers, his lips set in a thin line.

"Nigel was able to obtain this text from the archives." He grabbed a leather bound book from the book shelf. The pages were yellowed and appeared brittle even closed. He strummed his fingers against the front of the cover. "Again, he put his life at risk for you. You bring that instinct out in many of our kind."

Wide-eyed, I looked between Stefan and the book. "Have you read it? Do I want to know what's inside?"

"Most of it. You and your brother may be the only two of your kind left. At least that are documented," Stefan said hesitantly. He raised a blond eyebrow and drew in an unnecessary breath.

"The only two left? Are you implying there were others like us?" I’d never given any thought that I might have other siblings besides Nikolaus. Stefan’s explanation sounded ominous.

"This text documents possible siblings you may have had. It was long before your father met Armes, dating back as early as the 1800's. He had many other offspring. They did not fare well."

"What are you saying, Stefan?"

He leveled his steely stare at me, his eyes unwavering. "From my understanding of his writing, he was attempting to create a super breed of hybrids. When they lacked any special talent, they were used for experimentation purposes."

My stomach heaved. I broke out into a cold sweat, my vision going cloudy. Light pricked behind my eyelids as I listened to his words, letting them slowly sink into my disbelieving mind.

"There's more, isn't there? Tell me everything."

He crouched down in front of me. His strong hands gripped my thighs and he gave them a reassuring squeeze. "He wanted to see what kind of torture they could withstand. According to his note taking, it was impressive."

Struggling to breathe, I concentrated on attempting to comprehend his words. My mouth didn't want to cooperate with my brain. "But they were killed?"

He nodded sadly, glancing down at the old book. "Yes."

"He spared Nikolaus and me. Why?"

His eyes closed for the briefest of moments before opening to drown me in contemplative blue. His emotions spiked at my question and his thoughts turned deadly. "I can only assume, vackra. Perhaps your talent spared you."

"I was only a baby. How could he have known?" I queried, sitting up straighter in the chair. "What happened to the other women he impregnated?"

"They were killed after giving birth. They no longer served a viable purpose so they were disposed of."

Good god. I’d thought Kian was twisted before, but he always managed to take being evil to a whole new level. He continued to make me despise him more with each passing day.

"How many?" I was barely able to strangle the words out.