He resumed feeding. His hips moved slightly faster than his mouth. He’d take a gentle pull on my throat, thrusting gently into my pussy. Another pull, more tender pushes. Over and over he repeated his rhythm, nearly causing me to lose my mind as he made love to me, determined to prove he could be gentle.

In bliss, I was moaning non-stop now. I called out his name, that I loved him, that I never wanted him to stop.

We could have an eternity of this.

He'd systematically destroyed me. He’d torn down every wall, shattered every barrier with his love, his affection, his ability to make me whole again.

He raised his mouth to lean forward, slashing his forearm that had been holding my shoulders. Blood ran freely down his bare arm. "Drink from me again. This time, with your full knowledge and consent. With that, will be complete."

I rolled my hips in time to his torturous thrusts. "Now you want my consent?"

He caught my teasing tone and smiled beautifully. Still mostly clothed, he pulled us even tighter together. "In vampire society we are mates. In blood we are unified as one. No one can touch you without my permission. The same now applies to you. We are bound for an eternity."

Eagerly, I leaned into his arm and without any hesitation, I sealed my lips to his wound as he took a few final sips at my neck. He threw his head back and roared with pleasure and victory. Our bodies glowed brightly as if we were lit from within, like paper lanterns gleaming in the dark night. Every nerve ending short-circuited. Our bond exploded in our heads, tensing, intensifying, boiling over into utter chaos. My body clenched him savagely as I came screaming against his bloody flesh. Howling in completion, he slammed into me, pumping vigorously until he was completely spent.

Delirious, we called each other's name, clutching other as we rode out our powerful orgasm. To any accidental observer, we were just two young people making love on a rooftop in New York. Nothing unusual. They certainly wouldn’t understand the supernatural occurrence that had just further fused us together for an eternity.

Stefan pulled my gown back to cover me. He seemed tired as he fell back into the chair, slowly zipping up his jeans.

"What the hell was that?" I managed weakly.

"The glowing?" Stefan asked. He pulled me against him, wrapping his arms around my back. "I do not know. I have never tied myself in blood in love to another for an eternity. Perhaps your knowledge and my agreement caused it."

An eternity. This was more than a marriage. We'd agreed to belong to one another, in body and blood forever.

Holy shit.

"I would marry you in a human ceremony. I want to tie myself to you in every way," Stefan’s voice was muddled. I didn’t just hear his words. I could feel the sentiment pulsing within him.

"Marry me?" I parroted. "You'd marry me, just like that?"

"Vackra, we are committed to each for an eternity. If we are married in human customs, I can better protect you."

Mulling over his offer, I sat up and smoothed my fingers over his satin skin of his neck and over his shoulder, following the path back up. He rubbed his stubbled face against my hand like a contented cat, his blue eyes sliding shut in pleasure.

We were meeting with the Council in two days...

"No. Not like this. I love you more than a piece of paper can show. I don't want to marry you for your protection."

He was silent. My rejection had stung him. He took an unsteady breath, his sea blue eyes shining in the darkness. "No shotgun wedding for you?"

"Stefan. I'm not saying I wouldn't. I'm just saying no for the reasons I mentioned. I want to marry you without fear hanging over either of our heads. We both deserve more than that."

"You compared what we have to a marriage," Stefan spoke as he ran his fingers over my back. He glanced up, his soft golden hair falling over his blue eyes. "Yet you tell me no?"

Damn telepathic link. He now had access to every fleeting thought, every tiny crevice of my mind. It was easy for me to forget and let my shields down, which gave him an all access pass to every thought and emotion I was feeling.

"I did. Stefan, I'm saying no to a marriage out of protection. You're already more than that to me."

Lukas burst onto the roof, his neatly combed short black hair in a disarray. His pale blue eyes were wide with unconcealed excitement.

"I knew it! Let me see it." He grabbed my left hand. His lips pursed as he searched for a ring that wasn't there.

"Stefan! Where's the ring?" Lukas huffed. He snapped his fingers impatiently.

"She said no, Lukas," Stefan admitted softly. His blue eyes traced the gravel of the rooftop. His defeat and rejection radiated off of him. I started to reach for him when Lukas' sharp voice cut in.

"Stefan, let me talk to Josie alone."