"Yes, I have a few ex-boyfriends. This one happens to be my now ex-editor. We met him last night and he was obviously hoping I'd see him and leave Stefan behind. It didn't work out that way."

"Like anyone with half of a brain would leave Stefan for anyone," Anna piped in. She gave me an apologetic smile. "Let me guess. Stefan didn't take it too well?"

"No. In Stefan’s defense, Aidan insulted Stefan and when I tried to leave, he kissed me. I had to talk Stefan down. I think, no, I know he wanted to kill him," I recollected quietly.

The coffee maker beeped and I jumped at the sound. I rummaged nosily through the cabinet for a mug and poured myself a cup, skipping the half & half and sugar. I didn't want to waste time, I needed the boost.

Carrying my coffee in both hands, I slipped past them both to cross the living room to the couch. I silently sipped my coffee, the warmth from the mug strangely soothing me. Stefan had only been gone for a few hours, yet our tie selfishly wanted him here with me. I felt his existence pulsing in my mind, but I missed his physical presence. Our bond required that we remain together. The feeling reminded me of when we first met and he had to go away on Council business. I felt as if I had a hole in my chest, an emptiness only he could fill.

Staring into the steaming cup, I wondered if we'd bonded then and not known? Had our love for one another been that strong back then? Had our souls recognized their other half so early?

"Josie, I didn't mean to upset you." My gaze moved from my coffee to Lukas. He was sitting on the ottoman, his hands rubbing his jean covered knees nervously.

Narrowing my eyes, I glowered at him. "I think you like to rile me up and see how far you can push me. At least be real about it, Lukas."

He stood up at put his hands on his hips. He angrily turned towards Anna. "See. I told you she wouldn't accept my apology."

"That wasn't exactly an apology, Lukas," Anna chided. She turned her head to the side and gave him her ‘you know you’re talking bullshit’ look. It rivaled her death stare in its effectiveness.

He threw his hands up in exasperation. "What side are you on?" He started to stomp to the door when I directed my shield toward him. It tightened around him, tying him to the spot. I felt his immediate panic, followed by confusion as my invisible shield kept him immobile.

"I can't move. I can't fucking MOVE!" Lukas screeched. I resumed sipping my coffee as he struggled.

Anna stood stock-still in the kitchen until she gathered her wits and rushed to his side, attempting to grab his arm but her hand was deflected. She looked at me with alarm in her brown eyes. "Josie? We need to call Stefan. I don't know what's wrong with him!"

Smiling haughtily, I sat my cup down on the end table. "I know what's wrong with him. I'm doing it."

"You're doing this?" Lukas asked shrilly. His brow furrowed in disbelief. "No way. I don't believe it. Stefan would have told me you could do this."

"Oh really?" Testing my strength, I increased my hold on him, watching as his arms moved under the force.

He let out a surprised gasp. "It is you. What the hell else can you do?"

I pulled back my shield and he slumped forward, grasping the back of the chair for support.

"This is it," I replied. Feeling pleased with myself, I picked up my coffee cup and took a drink.

"It's enough for me." Lukas muttered, obviously shaken by my display. "I'll be next door if you need me."

He almost ripped the door off the hinges to get out of the apartment. It slammed behind him, a testament to his thinly disguised anger.

"I should go check on him," Anna said. She walked to the door and hesitated with her hand on the knob. "There's more to you than just being half-human and half-vampire. I can feel it. I've always known there was more to you than meets the eye, Josie." With those words, she left the apartment, leaving me alone with my coffee and the silence of the now empty apartment.


He'd only been gone for less than 12 hours and I was slowly climbing the walls awaiting his return. I realized the hard way today that the drawback to our bond was when we were apart, we mourned the separation from the other. The broken ties reached out for the other, their tendrils desperate to reconnect.

This had to be why so few vampires mated. It crippled them, exposed their vulnerabilities. From my crash course in being with vampires, they don’t like to appear vulnerable or weak.

I’d spent the day alone, napping and lounging on the couch, staring out the window. Really, I’d tried to avoid anything that required thinking. I’d thought enough about my father, Council meeting and vampires to last me a lifetime.

It was nearly eight o’clock when I heard his key in the door to the apartment. He pushed open the door and dropped a bag on the floor. Bounding off the couch, I leaped into his open arms, burying my nose in his neck. I inhaled the woody, familiar smell of him and instantly relaxed as I felt the strength of his arms wrap around me. My fingers instinctively fanned into the depths of his thick, golden hair.

"It appears I was missed." His mental voice was amused at my enthusiastic display. He gently released me to cup my face in his hands to kiss me. The bond between us hummed happily at its reconnection, the electrical-like currents flaring between us as we touched.

Smiling shyly, I rubbed my nose against his. “You were. I enjoyed the quiet but I’m glad you’re back.”

Stefan still had my face in his hands. He ran his thumbs over my cheeks softly, letting out a heavy sigh. “There are things we need to discuss. Come with me.”