He was quick to interrupt. "Are you able to read vampires? Tonight with the phone call could have been nothing."

"I've only been around Lukas and Anna and they are both voids. I can read my brother's thoughts and mind but not his future. And when I’m with you our bond enables me to feel everything so I can’t count you in the equation."

"You and your brother share a genetic link. Lukas, Anna and I all share a blood link. And our blood bond is very strong." Stefan's lips twitched. A surge of lust hit me from Stefan, unfurling quickly throughout my body. It strengthened when he reached over with his free hand and cupped my cheek, leaning closer until our lips almost touched. "Ah, you have more secrets to tell me. What more do I need to know?"

Lowering my eyes to our joined hands, I drew in a deep breath. I didn’t want to do this, but I knew I had to. I never thought my past would come back to bite me in this way.

Stefan grew anxious at my apprehension. “I could pick it from your mind, yet I would prefer you to tell me yourself.”

"I just didn’t expect to have to ever tell you about this. It’s awkward. There's something you don't know about Aidan and me," I thought to him. "We dated a few times. It was nothing serious. I lived here for a few months over two years ago and he was persistent. He kept asking me out and I thought it might be different."

Stefan slumped back against the worn plastic of the seat. He stared vacantly out through the scratched partition of the taxi. "Did you fuck him?"

My guilt flooded our connection, along with a heavy dose of regret. "Yes. I should have told you earlier. I was hoping it wouldn't come up but we're on our way to meet him and you needed to know.”

I couldn't resist delving into his mind. He was conflicted. He was jealous, angry and resigned. His hand tightened around mine possessively.

"Did you love him?" He spoke aloud, his melodious voice steady. His thoughts were in a disarray as he tried to reign his tumultuous emotions under control.

"God, no! Like I said, Aidan and I went out on three very casual dates two years ago. I was lonely, Stefan. Aidan is a nice guy and I could easily block him. I thought..." My voice wandered off and I licked at my lips. "It was the night I swore off dating and men. When we were.. together he was already planning on introducing me into his lifestyle."

Stefan's eyes flashed as he focused back on me. I’d grabbed his interest. "His lifestyle?"

Why did explaining my sexual past have to be so unnerving? "He wanted me to do things. Dominate and humiliate him. He liked to be a submissive."

Stefan snorted humorously. His thoughts were filled with thoughts of me in a leather outfit and a whip, flogging him into submission. "We are not exactly gentle when we are together."

"There’s rough and then there’s what Aidan wanted. Trust me. When you and I are together, it's like we're one being," I whispered. I had to fight the urge to crawl onto his lap, burrow tightly against him and forget about meeting Aidan. Stefan released my hand, wrapping his arm around my shoulders until we jerked to a stop in front of Chelsea Market.

Stefan slipped a finger under my chin and tilted my face up to his. His blue eyes searched my face. “I wish you had explained this to me earlier. You have a past, just as I do. I cannot be angry at you for your past sexual relationships with other men, as much as it pains me to even consider them. We are together now. We need to move forward and not let pettiness come between us.”

Stefan released me and opened the door, unfolding his large frame from the taxi. He smiled tenderly and offered me his hand again.

"Promise me you'll be nice to him,"

"Again, I promise nothing. I only will assure you I will do my best to be civil," Stefan advised. His hand was still stretched out, waiting for me.

Staring up at Stefan, I studied his handsome face. He was facing my past head on and I’d never have to face his. Solveig had been killed by the Council centuries ago and more than likely his other conquests were either dead or wouldn't be making an appearance and forcing me to play nice.

He was stronger than me. I wasn’t sure I could be so accepting of facing one of Stefan’s exes.

"Let's meet Aidan." I grabbed his hand and we headed down the steps, entering the basement bar.

The Tippler was hidden underneath Chelsea Market. High-vaulted ceilings, exposed brick and old wood gave the bar its own personality. Stefan steered me into the darkened tavern, his large hand resting on the small of my back. Glancing around the expansive space and the thick crowd, I looked for Aidan. I finally found him, tucked away in the corner. He was nervously watching the door but he hadn't recognized me. Had I really changed that much?

His hand lowered to brush against my ass possessively. “You have changed but likely he is expecting you to be alone.”

"There he is. Let's just be nice and go home," I thought to him. Shooting him a sour look over my shoulder, I used his favorite word that he used to bend me to his will. "Please."

“I assure you that I will be on my best behavior, vackra.”

Scrutinizing him briefly, I huffed and shook my head. His idea of good behavior and mine differed greatly.

“C’mon, Romeo.” We weaved among the other bar patrons to Aidan’s table and I slid into the chair across from him. His eyes widened as he took in my appearance.

"Josie? Oh my god! I didn't even recognize you. You look great!" Aidan stuttered timidly. I wished I could say the same for Aidan. Dressed in a faded black t-shirt and v-neck sweater, he had a scarf wrapped around his neck. His caramel hair was longer than it had been two years ago, tumbling over his shoulders in a messy disarray. His blue-gray eyes were hidden by his smudged, heavy black rimmed glasses. He attempted to stand until he noticed Stefan slide into the chair behind me. His heavy arms wrapped around my shoulders possessively as he rested his chin on the top of my head.

I might as well get this over with before it became a pissing match. "Aidan, this is my boyfriend, Stefan Lifsten."