"Kian brought false charges on innocent vampires to keep you occupied," I blurted out. "He used them to keep us apart."

His sudden rage blasted me, the force almost knocking me off the bench. "You are telling me that he had me murder innocent vampires because he wanted to keep us apart? He fucking used me and my appointed position to kill for his own needs?"

Flinching, I could only shake my head in agreement. His anger and rage had rendered me speechless.

"He also deceived the entire Board and Council. However that is not what bothers me the most. He kept us apart. I spent many years searching for you. It was wasted time..." Stefan's voice thinned. He brought my hand to his lips, brushing his mouth against my skin. "I want to rip him apart like the innocents I murdered for his agenda. I want him to pay for what he has done to us."

Shivering at the hatred and resolve of his words, I knew he was capable of doing it. I’d watched him rip Derek limb from limb. His only remorse was that I witnessed his vengeful wrath.

"I hate him, Stefan. I hate that he kept us apart. He killed my mother, my aunt and my uncle. We can't do anything without a plan."

A wicked smile broke through the grimness of his face. "That is exactly what I will do. His death will be mine. I need as much evidence as I can gather. The question is will you help me?”

It didn’t take a split second to answer. There was no reason to even consider any other option.


Chapter 3

Tell Me What You See

It really wasn't much of a choice. I'd choose him above anyone or anything.

The soft smile that he’d reserved only for me was back on his lips. He stood and offered me his outstretched hand. "Let us go home."

Slipping my fingers into his, we walked along. We looked like any other young couple in love, walking along the Highline. More people passed us, oblivious and unsuspecting that they were walking among immortal creatures.

"You will be surprised at how many of us there are, vackra."

Elbowing him, I released his hand and slipped my hand into his back pocket. "I'm still waiting to see more mythical creatures. Trolls, fairies..."

The shrill ring of my cell phone interrupted me. Normally I knew who was calling without glancing at the phone. No matter how much I concentrated on trying to see, it was coming up a blank.

"Are you going to answer your phone?" Stefan questioned. He watched me with a raised eyebrow.

"I can't see," I mumbled. Giving up, I pulled my phone from my pocket, peeking at the display. I groaned unhappily when I saw the caller’s name. It was Aidan. Stefan leaned to peer at the phone. He sent me a look that told me he wasn't surprised at the call or the caller.

“Hey Aidan,” I said. Testing our bond, it was apparent that even though Stefan wasn’t surprised on the caller, he wasn’t exactly pleased either.

"Josie, can you meet me for a drink?"

Fidgeting nervously, I glanced up at Stefan in question. He shrugged and nodded in agreement. His voice was devious when it entered my mind. "Do not tell him I am with you."

We resumed walking and I pursed my lips. "Sure. Where are you?"

There was a shocked moment of silence. "I'm heading to The Tippler on W. 15th. I'll grab us a table."

"See you in a bit." I pressed ‘end’ and cocked my eyebrow at Stefan. I was going to have to come clean about my relationship with Aidan to Stefan. It was almost ironic that one of the few men I'd had sex with was anxiously awaiting my arrival at a bar in Chelsea. I may not be able to see Aidan's future, but more than likely he would happily inform Stefan about our brief dalliance.

"I only want to have a little fun with him. You will not deny me that will you, vackra?" Stefan asked as he guided us towards the street to catch a cab.

Nodding absently, I walked along with him. I was doing my best to conceal my thoughts from Stefan until I figured out how to best explain the situation to him. Logically, I knew Stefan was going to rub our relationship in Aidan's nose tonight, just as Aidan would happily do the same. Unless I let Stefan in on my past with Aidan, he was going to be in for one hell of a shock.

"What did you mean when you said you could not see?" Stefan’s question interrupted my train of thoughts. I watched as extended his arm in the air, hailing a cab. As one pulled to a stop in front of us, we slid inside the backseat.

Stefan barely acknowledged the cab driver as he spoke in his lightly accented voice. "The Tippler on W. 15th by Chelsea Market."

The cab pulled away from the curb into traffic. Glancing down, I'd never let go of his hand. His long fingers were entwined with mine. Switching to mental talk, I rested my head against his shoulder. "I'm having trouble reading humans. Normally I'd know if Aidan was calling me. I couldn't see anything...his plans, that he was calling me. Stefan..."