Page 68 of One Night

I shifted on suddenly restless feet. How much digging had the detective done into our lives?

Detective Jenner glanced at Kellen. “You’re a good friend, Kellen Roberts.”

Kellen took his time checking out the detective. “It seems like you’re decent at your job, Detective…” He lifted a single eyebrow and waited.

“James Jenner.” The detective offered his hand. “My friends call me JJ.”

I side-eyed Kellen as the two men shook, their grasp on each other lingering as they stood eye to eye. There was no need for that gay radar thing. JJ found my bi friend hot as fuck.

Biting back a smirk, I elbowed Kellen.

The two men dropped their hands to their sides, both curling into fists as though wanting to hold onto the feel of the other. My heart might have melted a little bit.

“Mr. Thomson,” the detective said, turning toward me.

“Mason,” I reminded him. I had a feeling I might be calling him JJ again.

“Mason,” he agreed with a nod. “Reconsider—two against one, double the evidence, will put that blond punk where he belongs. Behind bars for a long fucking time.”

I nodded, already knowing I wouldn’t involve myself further. Jasper and I had started a life together, and I was done with speed bumps. But first…

“How long until you have him in custody?” I asked, clueless to how warrants and all that shit worked, same as the entire court system and everything law.

A slow smile lifted the detective’s mouth. “Sooner than later. I wouldn’t be too worried crawling into bed tonight. He’ll have his cell phone taken away and only be allowed one call. I’m sure that will be daddy dearest.”


“Kellen.” He dipped his head at my friend and spun on his heel, striding off.

I watched Kellen stare after him. “Hey.” My elbow to his side again jerked his focus to me.


“He’s kind of hot,” I tossed out to gauge his reaction.

Kellen’s gaze flicked back toward the detective.

“And I’m not the greatest when it comes to reading people, but that JJ nickname offer?Andthe fact he doesn’t give a shit you’re an escort? Weren’t you just saying the other day that you were…bored with boning strangers?”

Huffing, Kellen turned away and shook his head. “I don’t do relationships. I had my shot—my one chance with true love. You know how that ended.”

“Maybe you need to give yourself asecondchance at finding your soulmate.”

“Don’t believe in that shit, either,” he muttered, starting toward Railroad Ave. “Don’t you have a boyfriend to get to?”

The thought of seeing Jasper and telling him everything that had gone down since I’d spoken to him earlier set my heart to racing again.

But in the best way possible.

That high I’d been on what seemed hours earlier? It didn’t compare to how my heart soared.

Joseph Delaney had taken shit too far with another man who wouldn’t be cowed, and his actions were going to bite him in the ass. I couldn’t wait to hear all about it.

First, though, I had a worried lover in need of some good news—and a suckable dick to help celebrate how the day would end.

With Joseph in police custody.

And me, finally free of worry and ready to move onward with my new job and life with my forever man.