Page 12 of One Night

What was it?


Blinking slowly, I attempted to rouse myself fully, even though the dreamlike state beckoning in the back of my mind promised continued peace from reality.

Blue curtains hung in front of me…murmured voices carried from beyond. Someone cried. Another person huffed with laughter. Steady beeps reached my ears, and the scent of sterility burned my nose with every inhale.


Turning my head awarded me a vision of the most stunning young man I had ever seen.

I stared, my fuzzy brain slowly coming back online as I drank in the sight of his tousled dark hair and light brown eyes that studied me with the same…appreciation I felt at drinking him in.

Such a beautiful man…

“I’m Jasper, remember?” His lips lifted in a crooked smile, his petite nose crinkling slightly. He had been the one to chase my attacker away and keep me calm until help arrived.

“My savior,” I added a title to his name as the memories filtered through my hazy mind.

“Hardly.” He snorted a quiet laugh and squeezed my hand.

I returned the gesture, longing to be wrapped up by him sweeping over me. Tears threatened to the point I attempted to swallow the thickness from my throat.

“Are you okay?” Concern flooded his sweet voice, and his smile faded as he leaned in closer, cupping my face. “Are you in pain?”

I closed my eyes and started to shake my head on autopilot to hide myself as usual, but the slight movement made my temples ache with a dull throb. “N-not too bad,” I murmured, unable to stop myself from pushing my cheek into his palm.

He smelled like the outdoors. Sunshine and the forest. Freedom.

And his simple act of gentle affection stilled the deep-rooted unrest I’d been struggling with. His was a welcomed touch, one I didn’t feel the need to pull away from. For the first time, the pieces of my true self I hid inside pushed for acknowledgment. But could I trust a man I’d only just met? My heart begged yes, while my better sense, my wariness from childhood screamed no.

Being fuzzy-brained from whatever medication the nurse had given me made the decision easy—I went with my instincts, which wanted to give the man a chance.

“You have a concussion,” Jasper explained, his soft voice as soothing as his gentle stroke along my whiskers that I leaned into. “The doctor wants to keep you here for a little bit longer. Do you remember what happened?”

“Yes,” I whispered, once more forcing my eyes to focus on his golden-brown irises that were as rich as amber honey. I wondered if he would taste as sweet and delicate as he looked.

“Think you could answer some questions for the cops?”

“Mmm hmm,” I hummed in agreement. “Just…hold my hand?” My neediness bled through the cracks of my facade his mere presence forcibly pried open.

“Of course,” Jasper agreed without hesitation, a smile making his lips go crooked again. “But I need to let them know you’re awake and will have to let go for just a minute. I’ll be right back. Promise.”

I managed a slight nod without too much pain, sinking once more into that man-made calm as my eyes closed.

Jasper…he had told the EMT I was his.Mine, he’d stated then hadn’t corrected the man’s assumption that he was my partner.

More warmth spread through my limbs. The doc had definitely ordered me the good stuff.

I wished Jasper had kissed my forehead or shown me another form of assurance he cared. He seemed the sort that would give tirelessly—happily—the type of tender man I had only allowed myself to dream about. Ignoring underlying wariness, I continued to float in la-la land, imagining the what-ifs with Jasper.


“Hmm?” I angled my head to find he’d returned, a cop at his side towering over his slender frame.

“Detective Jenner,” the man introduced himself, not bothering to offer his hand since Jasper had once more claimed mine.

Warmth spread up through my arm at Jasper’s caress over my thumb.