Page 74 of Zero Tolerance

“Let’s go, Sean,” their mom said while leading their dad outside into the cooler summer evening. Her eye roll voiced loud and clear in her tone.

Micah and I stood on the stoop and watched them all pile into one car, Sean being their chauffeur as he’d been doing for a few years.

Micah released a groaned, heavy exhale as they drove away. “Thank fuck that’s over.”

“I think they’re kind of sweet.”

“You’vegotto be kidding me.” He steered us back inside with his hands on my ass, bypassing the living room for the stairs.

I knew his plans. Could tell by the energy radiating off him.

“Sean has a point, you know,” I stated casually, taking my time placing no-longer tired feet on the treads.

“Fuck,” Micah muttered, slapping my ass to get me moving. “Not you too.”

“Put him in charge of the gay branch.”

“Are you shitting me?” He barked a laugh, hot on my slow heels as I made my way down the hallway toward our bedroom.

There was nothing better than stalling when Micah was in a rush to bury his dick inside me. Teasing tended to bring out his dominant side in the best ways possible.

I shrugged and stripped slowly, eyeing the bed. While I would have rather curled up together to nap, Micah gave off major vibes of needing a little loving in the wake of his father’s negativity. He’d warned me about the moods he got into once his parents left.

“It might be good for Sean,” I reasoned, being persistent with what I honestly thought might be exactly that. “Responsibility. Having to make decisions for someone other than himself.”

“You really think that brat will grow up? You haven’t known him nearly as long as I have.”

I sprawled onto the bed, limbs out like a starfish, readying myself to be touched and smothered like Micah was fond of doing to me. “Maybe,” I said, my thoughts trailing into oblivion as Micah stripped.

Damn, my man was fine as fuck. Those muscles, the virility that exuded off him in addictive waves.

I sighed, and he chuckled while climbing onto the mattress beside me rather than atop me. Rolling into him, I smirked. “What?”

“I love how you look at me,” he said, drawing me close against his warmth. “Fuck—who am I kidding. I plain old love you, Jasmine. My little lamb.” He tucked hair strands behind my ear as my eyes stung and heart ached over his admission. “Been wanting to tell you that for a while now, but I was afraid you would reason away my feelings and disagree.”

“I won’t ever dismiss your emotions,” I promised with a whisper. “Same as you’ve never done with mine.”

He rubbed his nose over mine in a tender motion, sighing a sweet exhale over my mouth.

“I love you too, Sir.”

His arms tightened as he let out a groan exactly as I’d expected. “Goddamnit, woman,” he growled. “I had every intention of spooning while you rested since I woke you up this morning, but then you gotta call me that.” He shook his head.

I leaned in and nipped at his lower lip. “Show me how much you love me, Sir. Make me forget my name.”

He obeyed my command without hesitation and thorough dedication.

Sleep came much later—for both of our exhausted bodies.



“So where’s this woman I’ve yet to meet?” Blake asked, sprawled out in the corner of my couch he’d claimed as his two years earlier when I’d held our first guy’s sports day.

“You don’t want to lay eyes on her,” Reid tossed out before I could answer. “One wrong glance in her direction and Micah will knock your ass out like he did that Billy guy.”

I rolled my eyes. “That fucker tried to do more than just look at her, dipshit.”