Page 63 of Zero Tolerance

“I never knew that.” I smiled, tossed my phone back in my purse, and propped my elbow on the table so I could rest my chin in my hand.

“Sixth grade.” Mom’s crooked smile lit her face. “I’d just learned where babies came from, and Lordy, did I want to have your daddy’s.”

The three of us giggled, and I realized neither Mom nor Dina would be able to drive home with all of the wine they’d drunk. A half hour later, we climbed into Dina’s car—me driving—and headed to my parents. While there, I packed up a few personal things I didn’t want to be without.

Dad was concerned over my moving in with Micah so quickly even if it was only until the Billy issue resolved itself, but said the decision was mine to make. He trusted me and my instincts. He also trusted Dina’s word that Micah was a decent man and wouldn’t hurt or take advantage of me.

I’d been smiling most of the morning, and my damn face ached. Warmth spread through my body as I pulled into Micah’s long driveway. Had he waited for me to put my lips on his cock, or had he masturbated while fantasizing about me? The thought of both soaked my panties.

I couldn’t wait to find out.



Ipaced, glancing out the window every couple of minutes. I’d almost texted Jasmine to find out where she was, but didn’t want her trying to text and drive at the same time. I peered down the driveway again, and a rush of relief loosened the tension in my body at seeing her old Camry turn into the driveway.

While I didn’t want to appear the worrywart, I ended up hurrying out the front door anyway. She climbed from the car, her face glowing, sunlight glinting off the golden streaks in her blonde hair.

I held out my arms, and she threw herself against me, lips and tongue greedy on mine.

My cock sprang to attention, and I lifted her up into my arms, palming her ass. “You’re my addiction,” I groaned against her mouth while pressing my cock against her soft core.

“And you’re mine,” she whispered, pulling back, her pale eyes filled with need. “I’m glad to feel you’re more than ready for me.”

“I waited.”

She arched a brow and speared her fingers through my hair. “You did?”

“Yeah.” I brushed my lips across hers. “But now I’m in pain because of it.”

Her giggle bounced her breasts against me, and I squeezed her ass with a groan. “Blame it on Dina and my mom. We ended up talking for three hours over lunch.”

“Did you have a good time?” I asked and nibbled along her jaw, grinding my hips against her.


I turned and carried her inside, my brain cursing that she wore jean shorts rather than an easy-access skirt. A fuck up against a wall sounded downright sweet at the moment. Once inside the house, I slid her down along my body to her feet.

“I brought some stuff from my parents,” she murmured, her hands on my chest.

“We’ll get it later,” I said, snapping open the button on her jean shorts.

“Hmm.” Her brows arched as I pushed the shorts and her panties from her hips. “So what do you have in mind that’s so important my personal belongings melt from this heat in my car?” she asked, stepping out of them.

I shoved my shorts down, freeing my throbbing cock, and kicked them off. “This.” I picked her back up, and she wrapped her legs around me. The need to thrust deep into her tight pussy rolled over me, setting my blood on fire, but she still had to be sore from the night before.

Easy, I reminded myself, leaning her back against the front door and flexing my hips to rub my cock through her soaked folds. “I’m going to get off like this—don’t want to hurt you.”

“Mmm,” she moaned, tipping her head against the door, eyes closing. “Don’t hold back, Micah. Please put your dick inside me again if me sucking your cock needs to wait.

“Fuck.” I slid into her tightness and stilled as she gasped, my body trembling with the desire to take her hard and fast.

Jasmine lifted her head, and I caught a glimpse of passion-hazed green eyes before she crushed her mouth to mine.

Green fucking light to plunder.

I backed out and slammed in, drawing a groan from her chest. My fingers dug into her ass cheeks, the hot slickness of her tight pussy driving me fucking insane. I couldn’t get close enough. Deep enough.