Page 58 of Zero Tolerance


“French toast, eggs, pancakes...”

“Whatever.” Her bland, uninterested tone didn’t help my mood.

I stalked to the kitchen and decided on scrambled eggs since I got to whip the hell out of them. A little bacon, a couple pieces of toast, and more coffee completed the meal.

“Breakfast is ready!” I hollered, having no clue what the fuck she was doing. “And,” I muttered to myself, “I’m fucking starved, so I’m not waiting for you.”

I wiped out the eggs and ended up cooking more, which sat and grew cold while I drank my third cup of coffee and watched sports talk radio on TV.

Jasmine finally made an appearance, but the food had gone cold. My cock stirred at the sight of her in my T-shirt hanging to the middle of her thighs and the pert breasts poking at the soft cotton.

“Want me to nuke it?” I asked, ambling back into the kitchen, empty mug in hand.

“Sure.” She sat at the bar without looking at me, and I caught a flash of bare, upper thigh.

Of course my shorts would be too fucking big for her. The thought she might be panty-less sitting on the stool thickened me to full mast. Fucking cock didn’t remember that I wasn’t in the best of moods.

The microwave dinged, and I retrieved her breakfast and stood on the opposite side of the island to hide my tented lounge pants, sliding the plate over to her. “How was the bath?”

A small smile lifted her lips, lessening the knot in my gut the slightest bit. “Heavenly. Thank you.”

“Hope you like scrambled eggs and bacon.”

“Perfect.” She pushed around the fluffy yellow bits before spearing a bite. Her lips parted, and I stared as she put the eggs in her mouth.

My fucking cock throbbed. I cleared my throat. “I texted Dina to see if she would mind getting you some clothes.”

Her brow lifted, and she finally glanced up at me. Eyes wary, unsure, she quickly returned her attention to her plate. “Why’d you do that?”

“Because I don’t want Billy anywhere near you and don’t like the idea of you going home.”

“No piece of paper is going to stop him, and I can’t hide the rest of my life, Micah.”

“I’d feel better if he didn’t know where you were at least.”

She studied the piece of bacon in her hand, and tossed it onto her plate. “Look.” A heavy sigh lifted her breasts. “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, and last night was fantastic, but—”

“Don’t, Jasmine.”

Pain filled her eyes when she finally lifted her head. “This isn’t going to work.”

The fucking knife in my gut twisted. “Did I hurt you last night?”


“Was it too much? Too soon?” I ran a hand over my head. “You seemed so comfortable, so sure of yourself, that I felt we’d made progress.”

“I did.”

I peered at her a few second in silence, considering her words. “Butwedidn’t,” I clarified.

She tilted her head to the side, wetness coating her eyes. “What we, Micah? We have no commitment to each other. For all I know, you’ve been fucking women on the side, fulfilling that desire you have to dominate with pain since I’m unsure I can handle the full extent of your kinks.”

Anger lit, and I fought to keep my jaw from clenching. “There are no other women, Jasmine. Hasn’t been since you stepped foot into my office. You’re the only one. I want us.” I motioned between her and me. “This. You and me. Together.”

“What isthis?” she asked without manipulation, her voice quiet and small.