Page 50 of Zero Tolerance

I lifted my head and took the glass of red from Micah, our fingers brushing as he released his hold. Zero anxiety coursed through me. The knot that had twisted my stomach when Mom called unraveled a little bit more, and I withered in my seat.

Micah settled beside me. He held up his drink. “To assholes getting what they deserve and to moving on with your life.”

“I’ll cheers to that,” I said with a light laugh, clinking my glass to his. “I’m so ready for both.”

We sipped, and he lowered his gaze to the stem wrapped by his fingers. “I think we ought to forget those plans for dessert tonight.”

My heart plummeted. “What? Why?”

He shrugged and glanced up at me. A furrow etched his brow. “If and when we take the next step in this growing thing between us, your whole head needs to be in the game. I don’t want anything tickling at the back of your skull, something that would take away from the experience or keep you from enjoying yourself to the fullest.”

I thought of beingfull—stuffed with Micah’s cock—and remembered the way his touch down there had turned me on, how quickly he’d made me come. Need lifted my hand, and I swiped my thumb over his lips. “When you touch me, I can’t think of anything else. I’m consumed by you and what you’re doing to me. Honestly, I forgot my name when you made me come the other night.”

His low groan lit a fire between my thighs. “Do you know how hard it is to be honorable and keep my focus straight when you say things like that?”

“I want you, Micah. Forget the wine. Forget reality. Forget everything but you and me. Kissing. Touching. Please.”

Heat filled his gaze, sending twinges through my pussy. He placed his glass on the coffee table and took mine, doing the same. “If at any time I make you uncomfortable, you know what to say.”

I nodded firmly. “Stop or red.”

“I’ll honor—obey—both, no matter how or when you state either word.” Micah stood and held out his hand.

Fully trusting him, I pressed my palm against his. He tugged me to my feet, sliding his other hand along my cheek. “I’m going to make this good for you, Jasmine. A night you’ll never forget.” His lips closed over mine, and I clung to his shirt as my knees threatened to buckle beneath me.

He snaked an arm around my back, holding me loosely—too far away from his hard body and the heat emanating from him.

Pressing my chest to his brought a groan to his lips, and his arm banded tighter.

This.This is what I’ve been missing.

Closeness outside hurried humping. Connection.

Beyond the physical.

How had I lived without touch outside of my mother, sisters, and nephews for so long? Micah’s hold was heaven, his lips the sweetest escape on earth, and his tongue...God, his tongue.

He pulled back too soon, leaving me weak-kneed and trembling. Without a word, he took my hand and led me to the bedroom. The sight of his massive bed sent a shiver down my spine, pebbling my skin but in a good way.

I recalled our so-called snuggling. Coming on his finger—

“Can I undress you?” he asked, stepping close to my back but not touching me.

“Yes,” I whispered, unable to move as his breath caressed my ear.

Gentle hands gathered my cover-up at my hips and slowly lifted the material, pulling it up and over my head. His fingertips brushed my hair over my shoulder and tugged on the bikini tie at the nape of my neck.

“I’ve been dreaming about taking this off your body all day long,” he murmured, fingertips trailing down to the second tie at the middle of my back.

More delicious shivers snaked their way down my entire body, and I bit the inside of my lip to keep from moaning.

He untied the second tie, and my bikini top slipped off my breasts and fell to the floor. My breath sounded loud in my ears atop the thump of my heartbeat.

Micah’s fingers slid under the edges of my bikini bottoms at my hips. “Okay?” he murmured in my ear, the heat of his almost-touching body flaming through me.

Swallowing, I nodded, and he tugged, squatting behind me to lift first one of my feet then the other, helping me step from the scrap of material soaked by my arousal.

He groaned. “You smell so fucking good.”