Page 48 of Zero Tolerance

“Just because I thought he was next door doesn’t mean shit. A restraining order doesn’t do much except get him thrown in jail if he attacks me either.”

“Jesus fucking Christ.” I felt the need to smash the fuck out of something and wondered if my buddy Cooney had felt the same when Becky’s ex had beaten her to the point she landed in the ER.

Zero fucking tolerance.

My blood boiled, and I clung to the steering wheel with white knuckles. “Men like him ought to be disemboweled and shot.”

She nodded, and I reached out my hand, hoping like hell a roadblock hadn’t just been thrown in our way. “You okay?” I asked. Without hesitation, she slid her palm against mine, and I squeezed, my insides settling somewhat. “If that fucker comes anywhere near you, I’ll feed his balls to him for breakfast.”

She laughed, unforced but shaky. “For some strange reason, I believe you.”

“What? You don’t think I can be a violent person?”

“I…I know you are.”

I shot another glance over the console. She peered at me but without fear in her gaze.

“You’re referring to the fact I’m a Dom.”


“If you know I’m a sadist, why are you with me?” I found myself asking as my anger began to fade.

“I’m not afraid of you.”

“Maybe you should be,” I said, my voice deadpan, my chest heavy.

“No. You wouldn’t ever hurt me.” I opened my mouth, but she hurried on. “You wouldn’t lay a hand on me tohurt, hurt me. Your pain is meant to give pleasure.”

My shoulders relaxed, and I settled back in my seat, reminding myself she’d been studying my particular kink. “That’s exactly right.”

“I don’t know if I could be the type of submissive you need though,” she whispered a few seconds later. “But I’d like to try things. See what I enjoy and what I don’t.”

I rubbed my thumb over her hand, unable to speak at her graciousness. Her innocent desire to find middle ground with me.

“Would you be willing to show me…after you, we...” Cheeks pink, she bit on her lower lip.

“I would love to.” I lifted our clasped hands and brushed my lips over her knuckles. “But first, we have a few hurdles to overcome together.”

“I’m ready to jump whenever you are.” Her breathless voice kicked lust to high gear in my groin.

“So.” I released her hand and clutched the steering wheel once more, needing to focus on anything other than hearing and feeling her come around my cock. “What’s the plan for dealing with Billy the asshole?”

“My parents wondered if you could take me over to Dina’s for the night. Since I thought I saw him, they don’t want me home for a couple of days.”

“The fucker should have done more time for putting that scar on your neck.” I clenched my jaw to keep from cursing until hoarse. “You’re not going to Dina’s. You’re staying with me.”

Jasmine didn’t reply, and I eventually glanced over at her. Eyes wide, she stared at me.

“Will your parents be all right with that?” I asked.

“I-I honestly don’t know.”

“Dial your mom. I want to talk to her.”

She complied and handed me the phone. It rang twice.

“Hey, pumpkin,” her mom’s voice sounded in my ear.