Page 34 of Zero Tolerance


Jasmine nodded and gathered her things.

We walked out into the heat, and I grimaced. “We’re going someplace nice that has good air-conditioning.”

She laughed. “You don’t like summer?”

“I do, but these heat waves suck ass.”

Her continued laughter tingled through my chest, and I smiled. We went to the North End and devoured a basket of freshly baked bread along with the manicotti we’d both ordered in the cool, brick basement of a family-owned Italian restaurant. Cups of coffee and tiramisu sat in front of us as we lingered, chatting about the mundane things in life. What annoyed us. What made us laugh out loud.

My little brother Sean answered both of those questions for me.

“Do you see him often?” she asked and slid her fork into the dessert we’d agreed to share.

“Every couple of weeks he and some of my friends get together for whichever sport is on. Once a month, I have him and my parents over for dinner too.”

“I wish I had a little brother.”

“No you don’t,” I assured her and stared as she put the fork in her mouth, her lips closing over the bite of tiramisu.

“Mmm.” Jasmine’s eyes closed, and she smiled. “So good...”

My cock twitched, jealous over her mouthful of food.

“You know—” she licked her fork clean and eyed my hand resting on the small table between us “—I keep thinking I imagined touching you the other day in your office.”

“And I keep thinking about your cries as you came on my couch,” I tossed right back at her, my heart pounding and cock swelling.

Her breath hitched, and she slowly lowered the fork to the table. She glanced around the restaurant, but I didn’t give a shit if the other early diners heard our conversation. Her gaze returned to my hand.

“Go ahead.” I didn’t move but waited for her to take another step.

She bit her lip but fluttered her fingertips over my knuckles.

My dick bucked. Hard.

I held my tongue rather than telling her how much she turned me on with a simple touch. I went for something I hoped would have more of an impact even though it might be pushing or rushing things in a different way. “I would love to have you over some night for dinner with my family.”

Her fingers paused as she lifted her head, but she didn’t pull her touch away from me. “You want me to meet your parents? And Sean?”


She smiled, her eyes shining in the candle light between us, and her palm lowered to fully rest against the back of my hand. “Okay.”

I waited for her breath to catch. Lips to part as she sucked down oxygen into starved lungs.

Neither happened.

“You’re touching me,” I whispered a reminder in case for some fucked up reason she’d forgotten.

Jasmine’s gaze flitted to our hands. She flicked her fingertips over the top of my wrist. “I am,” she whispered right back.

“You aren’t panicking.”

Blue eyes full of hunger and happiness lifted to mine. “I…feel safe with you, Micah. I-I can’t promise I won’t flip out the next time I touch you, but this…this is good.”

Goddamned fucking right it is.