Page 31 of Zero Tolerance

Masturbating in front of Micah was the hottest, most insane thing I’d ever done in my twenty-four years, and I lusted for more.Lotsmore. Like a toddler tasting her first lollipop, my mouth watered, and I wanted to throw a tantrum until I got what would satisfy my craving. The memory of the heat in his eyes, the bulge in his jeans made me whimper.

I pulled into my parents’ driveway almost two hours later than my usual time, my pussy throbbing again. The second I climbed from the car, a shiver pebbled my skin even though summertime heat lingered and licked over my flushed skin in the early evening’s night air.

I glanced around our neighborhood while slinging my purse over my shoulder, the back of my neck tingling. My feet moved as fast as my thumping heart, and I locked the front door behind me. Another shiver sent a tremor down through my body.

“Jasmine? That you?” Mom called from the kitchen.

Drawing a deep breath, I told myself to calm down. “Yes, Mom.”

“Sorry you had to work late,” she said. “I saved a plate for you.”

“I-I grabbed something on the way home.” Lying hadn’t ever been an issue for me, but I didn’t want to share what I’d been up to. Even though I considered hanging with Micah outside work a step in the right direction, Mom would be concerned and probably tell me to be careful in spending time alone with a man—even though three days a week we were all up in each other’s business. Sort of.

Pulling my phone from my purse, I headed up the stairs. I chewed on the inside of my lip, considering how inappropriate it would be to text my boss for something besides work. A huffed laugh escaped me. As if we hadn’t crossed a serious line earlier.

Thank you, I finally texted once I locked myself in my bedroom.

Leaning against my door, I stared at my phone. The ding caused me to jump.


I groaned and put my phone down so I wouldn’t be tempted to text him back, letting him know I wanted to take him up on his offer. Now. Yesterday. Tomorrow. And every day after that for as long as he was willing.

* * *

My nerves got the best of me on Monday morning. I unlocked the office and let myself in, my chest tight. Micah’s usual presence that pebbled my skin was absent, but the door to his private lair stood open, allowing me unhindered sight into his living room. I didn’t catch a glimpse of him.

Hands shaking, I put my purse away and turned on the computer. I punched in the code for the voicemail and struggled to keep my writing legible while jotting down messages and notes of who needed to be called back.

The scent of freshly brewed coffee filtered past my nose, and I hoped for yet dreaded Micah’s arrival.

Legs a jelly-like mess, I walked into his office and placed the messages on his desk. He’d already been in—his computer hummed, and an open client’s folder and pen lay atop his desk. He never left unfinished business like that.

I returned to my office and glanced out into his living room once more. “Micah?”

He didn’t answer, and I wrung my hands, wondering where he’d gotten to. Shaking my head, I sat back at my desk and forced myself to focus on getting the payroll started early. Twenty silent, tense minutes later, the sound of his footsteps finally reached my straining ears.

“Morning,” he said, his low voice sending a shudder through my body.

I turned toward the door and smiled, my heart pounding. “Morning.”

He went barefoot as usual when having no plans to leave the office that day, jeans, and an entirely too-tight T-shirt beautifully fitted to showcase his muscles.

I wanted to touch. Lusted for it ten times worse than before we’d shared a type of intimacy in his living room three nights earlier.

“I brought you a coffee,” he said, his gaze flitting over my shorts and tank top. Appreciation blazed in his eyes. Guess that boss/employee line we had crossed had filtered into the office.

I could live with that. Desired it more than was appropriate.

“Thanks,” I whispered, my pulse thrumming.

He held the mug out to me, eyebrow raised the same as it had been on Monday night, his hand clasped around the entire thing.

It was my turn to initiate—if I wanted to, his gaze stated.

Do it.

My entire body shook, but I brushed my fingers across his while taking the coffee. Electricity raced over my skin, and I sucked in my lower lip to keep needy noises from escaping while setting the coffee down before I spilled it.