Page 24 of Zero Tolerance

“Thanks.” I reached for the file folder, and Jasmine released her hold before I had grasped it.

Papers fell.

“Shit.” She dropped to her knees, and I pushed back my chair to help gather them from the floor.

Our heads bumped.

We both laughed, and I glanced up to check in with her.

“I’m good,” she said, smiling at me as she’d done after touching my hand in the car.

Gazes locked, we reached for a paper at the same time—my fingers brushed over her wrist.

Jasmine blinked and fell backward onto her ass.

“Ah, fuck. Sorry.” I hopped up, offering my hand. “Shit.” I rubbed my palm down my jeans.

She didn’t breathe.

“Jasmine.” Her face had paled, and cursing, I once more dropped to the ground beside her, giving her plenty of space. “Hey—look at me.”

Pale green eyes peered at me but didn’t focus.

“You’re alright. Be a good girl and fill those lungs up for me—please, Jasmine.”

A small inhale stuttered, lifting her breasts.

“Good.” I smiled, wishing I could touch her, wishing likefuckI knew what had caused her issues so I could be more careful. “Just like that—again.”

She obeyed.

“Put your head between your knees, okay? Let’s count and breathe together.”

We got through her episode while I cursed myself inside and out. What had set her off that time when she’d been perfectly fine in my car?

Jasmine breathed easily, and she tilted her head, resting her cheek on her upturned knee to face me.

“Better?” I asked, keeping my voice quiet, trying to appear and sound as unintimidating as possible.

“Yeah.” A heavy sigh deflated her. “Sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry for. It was an accident.”

She closed her eyes, and it physically hurt to not draw her into my arms and comfort her like I would a sub who’d come down from a high. Hers had been a major low but required the same fucking care.

I hated that I couldn’t give it to her.

“Baby steps, sweet secretary of mine.”

She huffed an exhale and straightened. “Guess this is going to be more like a merengue with steps backward on occasion rather than perfect pirouettes across a stage.”

“I enjoy dancing,” I tossed out, hoping to make her smile.

It worked.

