Page 13 of Zero Tolerance

The woman didn’t like to be touched for fuck’s sake.

I tried for a smile, attempting to get a hold on myself I didn’t usually struggle with. “Well, I promise to keep my hands to myself at all times.”

A hint of a frown furrowed her brow for a split second, but she smiled, gazing up at me with clear green eyes I could easily drown in. Lose myself.

Fucking witchery.

“Dina told me you’re a man of your word,” Jasmine stated quietly.

I couldn’t help my grin. “She also calls me Mr. Grumpy Pants, but yes, I am. If I make a promise, I keep it. No matter what.”

She blew a heavy exhale between her plump, parted lips I couldnotstare at. “Thank you for understanding.”

“Not a problem.” I turned back toward my office but paused in the doorway. “Glad to have you here, Jasmine,” I said, glancing at her one last time.

Her smile widened, and her body slouched in the chair as though relieved I didn’t seem to give a shit about her…issue. “It’s good to be here, sir.”


A groan rose in my chest at her choice of title. No way in hell she would say that to me knowing what it meant. “Call me Micah,” I croaked. “Please.”

“Okay. Micah.”

“If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.” I shut my office door and slumped on my chair. Why hadn’t Dina warned me about her sister? I hated to hurt anyone unless we were under agreement and sceneing together. Given a green light, I never held back dishing out whatever would offer a willing participant release.

Jasmine Swift might appear a timid, shy submissive, but she was off-limits, way beyond the fact that she worked for me.

I scrubbed a hand along my clipped beard again and whispered every curse word I knew. How the fuck was I supposed to work with a woman like that all up in my space three days a week? Her perfume alone made me want to grab my cock and empty my balls. Those lips, those tits, a perfect landing place for my cum. Those hips and that ass...

Jesus fucking Christ, I was in trouble.

“You’re a master of control, you horny bastard,” I muttered to myself, all the while stroking myself through my jeans. “Either go fire her right now or plan on jerking off a couple times a day, three days a week.”

If she wasn’t Dina’s baby sister I’d have sent her packing without a second thought.

I glanced up at my office door I’d intentionally closed, straining for noises she might make. A drawer opened. Keys on the computer clicked. An image of her on her knees peering up at me with those big green eyes rose out of nowhere, and I did groan.

Time for another fucking cold shower—or at least putting some distance between us.



Micah announced he had to leave not long after shutting himself in his office. Heat flushed my face, and I couldn’t meet his eyes when he came back out to the reception area, cleared his throat, and said he had some stuff to take care of.

I’d watched his shoes in my periphery until he started toward the door leading outside. I turned and enjoyed an eyeful of fine man eye candy. His sandy-blond hair faded in the back but was longer and mussed on top, same as the image of the Micah listed as one of Elite’s Doms. Broad shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs, thick thighs hugged by jeans…How a man’s jeans ought to fit, I thought as drool flooded my mouth.

My boss took care of clients who needed a little pain with their pleasure, and I wondered if he got off on it too or just fulfilled his role to pay for that second home he had down in Cancun Dina had told me about.

I’d stayed up way too late the night before checking out the first website she had written down for me, falling down a hole deeper than any rabbit’s. Images had struck me—burned into my memory. I’d even watched a GIF that showcased a woman strapped to a bench getting her ass whacked with what looked like a paddle. I may have stared as it replayed a few too many times.

My ass had clenched in an…arousing way, and I’d shut my laptop down, telling myself I’d had enough for one night of schooling.

But I couldn’t wait to dive back in later that night and learn some more. My blood actually heated at the thought of maybe someday being “normal” and able to handle a man’s touch. Would I like some pain withmypleasure? From my body’s reaction to the GIF, I wondered a little too hard, fantasizing about that very thing.

Micah’s red sports car disappeared down the driveway, and I sighed, sounding like a lovesick schoolgirl. I hoped he would stop in before I left for the day, but no such luck.

I locked up the office a few hours later and dialed Dina while walking to my car. “Hey,” I said before she finished saying hello.