Page 72 of Zero Tolerance

I’d thoroughly accepted it as such with how we shared a bed every night and cooked together side by side whenever we weren’t too lazy after a day spent in the office. He swore he didn’t tire of me in those weeks. Didn’t wish for a bit of space or silence even though I felt sure I sometimes intruded.

He would cling to me whenever time allowed, his face in my neck or hard cock in one of my holes. Well, not my ass—not yet. We discussed its eventual happening. But, baby steps.

We’d become masters at them, slowly, methodically expanding on how we loved on each other.

I also learned the reasons for his staunch integrity, the reason he kept his promises.

He hadn’t heard from his old friend Dean in close to eighteen years, but the man had left a mark on Micah’s life in a big way.

Micah had become the Dom he was because of that dark night on his eighteenth birthday. It was gruesome to hear, the words he shared cringeworthy. Sickening. Micah had been lucky to escape unscathed, even though Dean deserved to be locked behind bars for what he’d done.

Micah had learned his lesson, choosing to better his life, and I didn’t judge him for what had been outside his control. I admitted to being thankful he’d come out of the assault that had taken place without it ruining his life.

I was also teary-eyed to find out he’d looked up Ginger a few years earlier. The woman had suffered from cancer at the time, and Micah had anonymously provided for all her needs, her bills, with her family none the wiser of the monetary donor who eventually covered funeral and burial expenses as well.

I’d told Micah he was a good man again that night—but I wasn’t sure he’d believed me.

I watched as he interacted with his father. The man was negative to the deepest part of his marrow. Glass half-empty type, he had to point out possible awful scenarios on every topic even while the three men attempted to watch sports.

Micah’s mom and I took care of the dishes, enjoying the quieter kitchen.

“I’m thrilled he’s finally settling down,” she said. “I’ve always worried about him…” she trailed off, rinsing the final pan from the dinner Micah and I had prepared for them thanks to Healthy Chef.

“He’s the best man I’ve ever met,” I stated with conviction, my heart full, the same as it had been since the night he’d reminded me of the power I held over my own destiny.

“It’s surprising, really, considering how his father behaves.” Micah’s mom shook her head. “I put up with too much, but I vowed to honor and cherish.” She drained the water from the sink and dried her hands. “Don’t get me wrong—I love the man who gave my boys life, but sometimes I daydream about what might have been had I’d left him to his vices and demons.”

I wasn’t sure what to say to her openness. Build her up for her choosing loyalty and honoring her marriage vows? Offer her condolences for never having experienced the heart-fluttering love found in fairy tales?

I expected there would be bad times in the path ahead of Micah and I, but we’d agreed outside of actual vows before witnesses to hold each other’s hands, to be there when the other needed. To offer support. Use kind words.Listeningwhen the other spoke, not just hearing their voice.

Shit would happen, but he assured me every day of his feelings, his desire for me and my thoughts, that he wouldn’t sway elsewhere.

I trusted him.

One hundred percent.

“I’m telling you, Micah—gay is the way to go!”

I bit my lower lip while walking behind Micah’s mom into the living room. Sean was relentless to a fault, his voice loud and echoing through the downstairs.

“I don’t want to have to deal with other size queens,” Micah muttered. “You’re a fucking handful, Sean—why would I willingly hire more like you to drive me insane?”

“Because you’ve landed yourself a pretty little sweetheart who will help soothe your grumpy pants at the drop of a hat.” Sean’s blue-eyed gaze shot to my face as I rounded the couch. “Tell him, Jasmine.”

I held up a hand while perching on Micah’s knee where he sprawled in his old recliner that had seriously seen better days. “I’m staying out of this one.”

“Come on!” Sean whined. “You’re his safe place. His peace.”

Micah tugged me back against his chest and nuzzled my neck.

“Have you been talking about me again?” I asked, unable to help my smile or the happiness swelling inside my chest at Sean’s declaration.

“Always.” He pressed his lips beneath my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

“Ugh—take it to the bedroom,” Sean said, rolling his eyes. “Seriously. Some of us get turned off by that shit, you know.”

“Yeah,” Micah agreed. “I remember that feeling. But this one?” He squeezed me in his arms. “It’s ten times better.”