Page 56 of Zero Tolerance

I glared. “Do not.”

He smirked. “Breathe heavy, then.”

I huffed an exhale and turned away to drink my coffee.

“I got used to it pretty quick, and a good thing too.”

Brow raised, I turned my head slightly. “Why’s that?”

“’Cuz you’re sleeping here every night from now on.”

Heat flushed my body—arousal and annoyance at being told what to do clashing in my mind. “What?”

He smoothed a lock of crazy hair behind my ear. “You’re moving in with me.”

I barked a laugh, but his expression didn’t waver. Tilting my head, I studied his serious-as-fuck gaze, still not sure of how to feel about his declaration. “Since when?”

“Since I said so.”

“Is this when I’m supposed to act all submissive and say ‘Yes, Sir?’” my mouth spewed before I thought the words through.

Fuck…the fire in his eyes. I swallowed and squeezed my thighs together, a luscious burn rooting deep inside my core.

“Your Sir should take you over his knee for speaking to him with that much sass.”

Stifling silence swept in, ringing in my ears, and I didn’t argue the title he’d claimed. Wetness seeped from my pussy, making it clear in my head what my body thought about him spanking me. But could my mind handle the controlled violence?

I tore my gaze from his and lifted my coffee to my lips with a trembling hand. While he’d been somewhat rough while fucking me during the night, I’d been too wrapped up in my need to think beyond his cock pounding into me and the release he could give me.

“Jasmine?” His voice had lost all trace of dominant alpha as he murmured my name. “Look at me.”

His words didn’t hold a demand for obedience, but I listened all the same.

“I won’t ever lay a hand on you like that unless you want me to.”

“But you do think about it, don’t you?” I whispered, seeing the truth etched in his furrowed brow.


A heavy sigh lifted my chest. “I…I want to be that for you, Micah, but I don’t know if I can. I said I’d be willing to try, and imagining it when I’m all hot and bothered…that comes easy. Without arousal included in the mix?” I shrugged, not wanting to speak the words that might make him set me aside in pursuit of someone better matching his lifestyle.

“I know.” He toyed with a lock of my hair and let his hand fall limp on his lap, the coffee in his other hand seemingly forgotten. “I know,” he repeated on a heavy sigh.

God, the defeat in his voice twisted a knife in my stomach. My throat tightened, and I turned away again.

“Hey.” He gently grasped my chin and moved my head back around. “I’m okay with that. Honestly.”

I stared at him as tears filled my eyes.

“Don’t cry. Please.” He rubbed his thumb down my cheek. “I’ll gladly give up that lifestyle if it means I get to have you instead.”

Gladly? I doubted it.

He dipped his head, peering into my eyes. “Alright?”

I made myself nod although I didn’tfeelokay.

A small smirk returned some of the light to his eyes. “How about a nice hot bath? That’ll help with the soreness.”