Elianna starts off and I trail behind her.
“I’m impressed you can do this in heels. Silver ones, no less.”
“The heels are chunky. I’m practically in running shoes, they’re so stable. Now if they were stilettos . . .”
I don’t think it would matter what Elianna wears, she would look amazing. Her wardrobe choices that used to bug me have grown on me. They’ve more than grown on me. I’m starting to like them, and I can’t take my eyes off her as she hops in front of me.
“This hopscotch is not made uniformly, is it?” Elianna says, having to steady herself on the nearby sofa with her hand so she can hop an uncommonly long distance.
“Well, sorry,” I say. “It wasn’t easy to make.”
“The choice of tape color works, though.”
“I figured you’d like the pink.” We’ve rounded the sofa and are heading to the opposite side of the room.
Elianna is out of breath. “I do. It helps me get through it since this is so long. Geez. Are we there yet, Dad?”
“I was trying to win an award for best uncle,” I say, grimacing as my hamstring starts to burn. If I rest my foot on the ground, the floor will open up and swallow me whole. “I have four other uncles to compete with.”
“Oh, I’ve seen how she looks at you. I think you have it in the bag.” She snickers. “You’re in at least third place.”
Navie is walking behind us and I hear her chuckle. That she even got that joke in the first place as a three-year-old probably means she also inherited Henry’s quick wit.
I turn my head around to glance at Navie to see if she’s paying attention to our antics, since it’s for her that I’m getting all sweaty and out of breath. She is, but before I can even turn my focus back around to the direction I’m going, my side makes contact with Elianna. The hip check sends her flying, and she grabs my shirt and pulls me down with her.
Chapter 17
Sebastian is on top of me. His face is inches from mine and the length of him presses against me. Up until now, his brown eyes have seemed only dark and opaque—one tone. Now, this close, it’s as if a world has opened up. I’m lost in the depths of color, in the minute flecks of gold, tan, and even the slightest touch of midnight blue.
“I am so sorry,” he says, rolling to one side and scrambling up, then offering me his hand.
I don’t take it because it’s then I realize I can’t breathe.
“Elianna, are you hurt?” His brow constricts and he bends forward to peer at me.
I shake my head, but that just makes my vision swim in front of me, so I have to squeeze my eyes shut.
Finally, a dam breaks loose and I’m able to suck in air. I’ve never had the wind knocked out of me before, so all these sensations are unexpected. I curl into the fetal position, at once mortified of what happened and unable to contain my laughter.
What comes out is more of a snort than a laugh, which means I curl into an even deeper fetal position, embarrassed. Can someone please arrange for that hole to open up in the floor? I could use the trapdoor from my high school production ofShrek, the Musicalright about now.
I open one eye to find Sebastian staring at me, confusion making lines around his eyes and mouth.
I pull the hem of my skirt down in several places, panic rifling through me. “I knew I shouldn’t have worn my Alicia SilverstoneCluelessoutfit today,” I manage before laughter hits me again. I gain some semblance of composure and add, “At least my skirt’s not as short as hers.” The thought of my granny panties—hey, they’re comfortable, okay?—being on full display if I’d worn a shorter skirt makes me lose it again, and this time Navie joins in the laughter. She sits down near me and looks me over.
“You okay?” she asks, and then presses a palm to my arm.
I nod, and then glance again at Sebastian. “I could maybe use that hand now,” I tell him and extend mine. His grip is firm as he pulls me forward to a seating position then up to standing.
“Whoa.” I careen into him as the dizziness in my brain has me veering again. He catches me around the waist with both hands.
“I’m so sorry,” he says again. “I needed to focus on what I was doing instead of worrying about what was going on behind me.”
“You need to place some hazardous road conditions signs along the way, Sebastian.” I pat his chest, enjoying the feel of his pectoral muscles but trying not to linger.