“You’re right,” Oakley says, fluffing my dramatic white sleeve again. “But why can’t it be for both you and him?”
I just shake my head. I don’t know why I wore this. Maybe some part of me was hoping I’d change my mind and stay. I do love a good party.
But now that I’m here and he’s here, I’ve lost my nerve.
“And remember,” I tell them, motioning around the room with my finger. “This is still our little secret.”
They both smile, and I don’t have time to try to decipher if those smiles are because they didn’t actually keep the secret that this party was my brainchild. I didn’t have much hope the news wouldn’t reach Sebastian. Seeing as how I’ve had to enlist help from so many people, it was probably bound to reach his ears somehow. But still, if I can just slip away, he can enjoy this Elianna-free event.
But as I turn to leave, the top of his head comes into view across the room, his rich, thick hair styled in a perfectly masculine, non-styled look. The person he was talking to moves away, leaving me the perfect view of him in his tux—a piped shawl collar, cream masterpiece with a small, black bow tie. It’s vintage, I’m certain. And, from the looks of it, probably from the ‘90s.
My hips and ankles soften, and everything in me wants to go to him. It doesn’t take long for our eyes to meet, and his eyes widen.
Good. Looks completely shocked to see me. Somehow, I think a miracle has occurred. Everyone actually kept my secret.
I lift a hand in a wave, curling my fingers against my palm in one swift movement. A group of people walk in between us, and someone else taps him on the back. When he turns to greet them, I leave.
Chapter 37
Elianna is here?
I school my emotions so that I can be polite as a couple of my general managers and their wives approach me. I can’t stop glancing towards the side door where I’d spied her during our conversation. I don’t know what she’s doing here, but it’s fitting, considering this event is “An Afternoon of Thanksgiving.”
Because I am thankful for her, more than she could ever know. She woke me up. She cleared a fog I’d had in my soul for a very long time.
And then she left, which is something I’ve been trying to sort out in my mind. The worst version of myself? Angry that she left without a word and wouldn’t answer my texts or calls. The best version of myself—at least the best that I can possibly summon in my flawed, human state? Happy I got to spend time with her and working on something to honor her.
But she’s here now? And my project, my big plan, isn’t ready yet.
“Have you tried the mini quiches?” I ask the group of people who stopped me from going to Elianna. I raise my hand at a waiter passing by. “Give them anything they’d like,” I tell him, then tilt my head and wave at the group as I start across the room.
Seeing her again gets the nerves pumping more than before—which is saying something because social events and me don’t get along. But if I can find her and talk to her . . . well, then what?
She was wearing an incredible dress, so I’m sure she’s here at the event somewhere. I’m almost to the doorway she’d been standing in when Rowena steps in front of me.
“Sebastian, I don’t know about this night. Seems like you went over budget.” She lifts her crystal goblet to eye it. “Which is something you can’t afford to do, is it?”
“Gabriel headed this up, and I trust him implicitly. I think tonight has been a very good thing.”
“I’m sure telling these people you’re thankful for their contributions to the company this year will pay off somehow, but that’s more of a long-term strategy, don’t you think? There’s not a sense of urgency here tonight to make any deals.” Her other arm goes wide. “It’s just odd.”
“Well, we’ll see what happens. In the meantime, I’m glad you’re here, Rowena. Enjoy yourself. Try the quiche.”
I move to walk past her, and she clutches my arm. “Did you get my email? I think you should cut your charitable contributions down considerably. You’re way over the required percentage to receive the Deca Arete.”
I sigh, short and hot. “I haven’t read through it yet. But I’ll be giving the amount I agreed to. I’m not going to drop it down.”
“It’s unnecessary.” She frowns and shakes her head, causing her long earrings to swing. “You’re really sabotaging your chances to get on the list. Also, I see the people from Home Away from Home are here.” Her face brightens. “Let’s go talk to them . . . a last-ditch effort to get them to sign the acquisition deal ASAP.”
I step back, letting her hand fall from my arm. “That’s not what tonight is about. We didn’t bring them here to try to hustle them without warning. Don’t you think that’s tasteless? A night to thank them, but oh yeah, let’s seal the deal while you’re here?” I scowl, tasting acid. I won’t be like that.
“If you’re smooth enough, they’ll never know what’s happening.”
I shake my head. “I’m not doing that,” I spit out. “In fact, I think it’s best if we part ways. Our values do not align, Rowena.” I give her a solemn look. This is not how I wanted things to end with my business coach, but I need to find Elianna. Besides, this has been a long time coming.
She huffs and rotates on her heel, and I quickly move to the door where Elianna was several minutes before. I walk into a small area for the caterers and can’t find her there.