The man himself is at the top of the front porch, standing beside a grinning Oliver and Sophie.

Sophie, in a grey, oversized Longdale High School sweatshirt, comes bounding down the stairs, matching the energy of her Bernese Mountain Dog, Wilford. “You made it! And you managed to drag this one with you.” Sophie points to me. “We’ve really scored tonight. Both Sebastian and Alec? Amazing.”

“I’m not against social events like Sebastian is,” I counter.

“You’re right,” Sophie says. “But you’ve declined our invitations plenty of times.” She reaches for Jerry. “Look at him! Stella told us you’re dog fostering. He is precious. And so little compared to Wilford.”

Wilford jumps up on Sophie as she cuddles with Jerry. “Are you jealous?” Oakley asks with a laugh, scrubbing the top of Wilford’s head.

“It’s hot out here,” Sophie says. “Let’s go inside.”

Sebastian and Oliver had been quiet on the porch, but now that we’re inside, it’s like a monastery’s vow of silence between the two of them. There is a certain chill in the air that can only mean one thing: they’ve been arguing, and nine times out of ten, that means they’ve been arguing about Tate International.

As Sophie is taking our coats into the bedroom, I approach Oliver. “You good?” I give him side-eye.

He rolls his eyes and blows out a hot breath. “I’mgood. Sebastian’s…” He trails off as Sophie and her sister, Claire come into the living room.

Sebastian glowers in the corner, his elbow on the fireplace mantel. He just needs a cigar and a glass of scotch, and he’d look like a quiet, casual, and cunning villain in a ‘70s James Bond film.

Oakley smiles as she turns to Claire. “And I heard Sophie had a sister, so it’s nice to finally meet you.”

Something in me warms to this scene, a low-key family hang out. Oliver and Sophie are on a bean bag. He’s reclining behind her, his arms wrapped around her middle. Sebastian is still at his post at the fireplace, and Claire has claimed the easy chair nearest him. Oakley and I relax on the sofa.

The game is on and I’m relieved that everyone in attendance is rooting for the Seahawks. I’m sort of a baby when it comes to watching my favorite teams sometimes, so it helps to not have any conflicts of interest in attendance.

Partway through the second quarter, Oakley, who’s been quiet most of the time, stands from the sofa. “You guys hungry?” she asks everyone.

“Someone’s hangry,” Oliver says, jutting his chin towards Sebastian.

Sebastian sighs. “I am not.” His gaze is boring into Oliver.

“So, you’re saying you’re acting this way just to be a jerk? At least if you were hangry, there would be a logical excuse for this behavior.” Oliver has now shifted from Sophie.

“Are we really doing this now?” Sebastian asks as he straightens away from the mantle. “Fine. Why don’t you tell everyone all about it?”

Oliver makes no protest, he just opens his arms wide as if to say,be my guest.

“The planning stage of our Florida Keys location has stalled.” Sebastian’s gaze dips to the floor. “I asked Oliver to go and check on things. He refused.”

“First of all, ‘planning stage’ is being very generous. We have a possible location. That’s it. Nothing has been purchased or decided on. Second of all, I told him months ago that I’m not going to travel nearly as much. I want to spend time with Sophie.”

“I told you to bring Sophie along,” Sebastian says drily.

“She can’t do that. She’s putting together two libraries for the county. It’s a big deal.”

Sophie places a hand on Oliver’s arm. “I told you, Oliver. If you have to go, you have to go. I understand.”

“Look. Sebastian’s been ornery ever since I mentioned this game night. I have no idea why. So I think his refusal to let go of this whole Florida Keys thing is indicative of a bigger problem.”

“Why can’t you go, Sebastian?” Sophie says. “You usually prefer going yourself to sending someone else anyway.”

“I’m not ornery. Or hangry.” His jaw clamps down and then he lets out a forceful breath. “Britta’s retiring,” Sebastian says.

There’s a collective gasp of breath.

“But she’s been around since, since before there was even a Tate International,” I say.

“Yeah. So I really can’t travel now, can I?” Sebastian shoots me a look. “I have to find and train a new…Britta.” He scowls.