Matt continues. “Oh, and about the legal trouble you got in last fall. We’ve consulted with the district, and they’ve given their approval to hire you. It was your first and only offense, so that works in your favor. You’ll still have to have a background check and do the trainings they make all the coaches do. But you should be all good on that front. Congrats and can’t wait to see you on the field in August!” And then the phone goes silent.

I go on my tiptoes to better nuzzle into his neck. “Alec! You coaching those kids? I can’t think of anything better for you or them,” I say.

He tugs me close so that I’m flush against his body. His hand splays my back while the other one gently grasps the back of my head and threads my hair through his fingers. After an excruciating pause as he searches my lips, he closes his mouth on mine. I follow his lead and tilt my head so we can deepen the kiss.

Just a little. But the effect is like a whir of stars across my vision.

Kissing Alec burns warm against the doubts and fears. And right now? I’m a new woman. Everything is different now.

I slide my hands up his arms and around to his shoulders. A soft moan escapes me as he lets go of my head and circles my waist with his hands, and then traces the planes of my hips and back.

His lips travel to my brow, where he places another kiss. “I love you, Oakley Edwards.”

I can still taste his kisses, still feel the hope of a wholehearted life. “I loveyou,Alec Tate.”



The early evening, October wind picks up just as Oakley draws her arm back to throw the football. Her long hair is high on her head in a ponytail, and it flips around as she steps side to side, scanning the makeshift field on our Longdale Lake property in search of the right moment to let go. She’s the quarterback in our family game and at this particular moment, I’m at wide receiver. All the other players—my brothers, Sophie, and even my parents—have joined in, and I don’t know or care what position they’re in.

Because I’ve got blinders on. Oakley’s all I’m thinking about. And I’m keeping my eyes trained on the sky, waiting.

She laughs, and the breeze grabs that wind-chime sound and carries it to me twenty yards away. I blow past my brother Henry, who’s arguably as competitive as I am. He’s fast and is sticking to me like a blood-sucking mosquito. If I can only shake his coverage for a second, Oakley can throw the ball to me, and I can high tail it to the endzone.

She and I lock gazes, and I swear, the heavens open and angels sing above us. I am so gone for this woman that I’m seeing and hearing angels. She gives me the slightest of nods before pummeling the ball to me. Taking a step back, I watch it as it soars in the air towards me.

It’s a little high and even as I stretch my arms as much as possible, I know I’ll be a tad short. Oakley screams of frustration and I wheel around to see my mom,my mom, pluck the ball from the air, tuck it to her chest and run the remaining yards to our roughly designated endzone.

Henry, Milo, Sophie, Oliver, and Mom erupt in pandemonium. Mom’s shocked grin is one for the record books, and she even spikes the ball and starts doing the running man—her version of an end-zone dance.

“That means we won, right?” Sophie asks as Oliver scoops her up and twirls her around. They’ve been engaged for several weeks now, and plan to get married in the spring.

The rest of us, the losing team, gradually make our way to the celebration, and my dad, who’d hiked the ball to Oakley at the line of scrimmage, is last to join us.

“The only pro player was on our team, and we still lost?” Dad asks, bunching up his mouth and shaking his head.

“Hey now, none of that,” Oakley says, and points to my dad. “Your hike to me was way too high, which meant I was out of position. Besides, I think Celine’s catch had less to do with me or Alec messing up and more to do with her beautiful skills!”

There’s a big cheer again and we all clap for her.

“Nice job, princess,” Dad says to Mom as he hugs her briefly. She fluffs her blonde hair and eyes him with a smile, out of breath.

Huh. My parents touching each other? Looking at each other?

That’s interesting.

It’s fitting, though, considering the reason I’ve gathered everyone together. I take a moment to collect my thoughts and catch my breath. Oakley has sprawled out on the grass next to Sophie and they’re both on their backs, laughing. Jerry bounds over to her and jumps on her stomach. He licks her face before she squeals and wrestles him to slide off her.

Oakley. I can hardly believe she’s mine and I’m hers.

I take a moment standing there to appreciate her rosy-cheeked beauty before I open my mouth to speak. “I have something to say.” But everyone’s already trained their eyes on me with expectant looks.

Yes, I had to tell my family my Big, Important Plans, or else they wouldn’t have come.

And Oakley’s look isn’t expectant—it’s more one of mild curiosity.

“First of all, Oakley and I wanted to make sure you all knew that we’ve just received word that Brandt Bordy’s guilty plea to the bank fraud charges against him has resulted in his payment of everything he owes Oakley, as well as extra for damages.”