“But Coach Dale. That moment in the end ofHoosierswhen they win it for Coach Dale. Oakley. It’s more inspiring than a year’s worth of church sermons.”

“Ah.” Her chin raises. “Just as I figured. Maybe that’s telling you something. Maybe you really are destined to be a coach.”

I open my mouth to protest, wanting to say that no one in their right mind could watch that scene without being inspired. And we can’t all be coaches.

Instead, I change the subject. “The encyclopedia of sports movies could occupy us for a month straight. We haven’t even mentionedRocky.”

“Rocky IV,” she says. “Hands down the best.”

I pull her into my arms again, her green eyes locking with mine. “You’re dead wrong.” I give her a swift kiss. Swift because I would totally lose control if I lingered on those sweet lips. “Rocky IIis far greater than any other in the franchise.”

“Let’s look at this scientifically and figure this out. From here on out, we’ll watch a sports movie, or two, every night. Same place, same time. And then, when it’s time for me to move out, we’ll rank them.”

I laugh and she puts a hand on my chest. I don’t miss how it lingers against my pec before she reaches across me and opens her bedside drawer. “You’re going to love the most perfect movie treat ever created.”

She tosses a small bag, and it lands in my lap. “Cinnamon bears?”

“The G.O.A.T. kind of cinnamon bears!” She holds up a finger, her smile wide. “These are chocolatified.”

“I’ll watch all the sports movies you can handle. Except forBrian’s Song. It’s too sad.”

“We are definitely watching that one. We have to!”

I protest and she wraps her arms around me. “I promise to comfort you during the sad parts,” she says.

I’ll take her comfort any day of the week.

But can I keep my promises? Can I make sure neither of us get hurt in the process?

Chapter 29


Morning’s the worst. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.

I rub the sleep out of my eyes and curse the sunlight coming through the windows of the cabin. It’s ultra bright, which probably means we slept in.

The old me? I bounced out of bed, bright eyed, ready to conquer the day and whip some butts into shape.

But now, my wanting to glue myself to the bed is the direct result of our routine. I find Alec in his usual spot, sleeping on his stomach, his hair a tuft of dark eagle’s feathers. He sleeps in a t-shirt and shorts, even though he said he usually sleeps without a shirt on. I appreciate that he’s trying to help us stay in control, as shirtless Alec is pretty much the sexiest thing alive.

It's been two weeks since we’ve been watching sports movies every night, sometimes two if we’re feeling extra wild. After I asked him several times, he finally turned on film from his football playing days, high school through professional, which Ilovewatching. The man could totally run through people with that ball tucked tight under his arm.

There’s a reason he has thighs of steel. It’s because he can juke and overpower his opponents. I always knew Alec Tate was a football star. But studying his film brings a new appreciation for his greatness.

Sometimes during movies or film, we cuddle. Sometimes we kiss—but it’s in a very restrained way because we can be adult about this. Neither of us can handle the progression of a relationship.

And sometimes we’re not touching at all, and it feels…nice. Down to earth. Right.

Above all, I just want to keep my head. Getting too involved at this stage would only mean heartache. But I’ve known the man for well over a month now, and I want to continue getting to know him.

I ease my way out of the bed, slipping my terrycloth robe over my long pajamas. I am a Texas girl—not at all used to the slight dip in temperatures on these Colorado nights.

This morning, since I’m up first, I get dibs on the shower. Which means, he’s on dog duty. Jerry is already begging to be let out of his crate as I turn the water on, so I know Alec will be up soon. I can’t help but get a thrill at that thought. That I’ll get to see him and talk to him today. That, this evening, I get to tell him about my clients at the resort and he gets to tell me about his job as CEO of Fun.

I tell a tiny part of my brain to simmer down. It’s the part that screams,This can’t last forever, you know. Decisions must be made, Oakley.

I’m going to apply for Physical Therapy school. I’ve been researching possible options during my lunch breaks. So, maybe I don’t have to make a decision until I know where I’m going. Which means I won’t have to leave Longdale until September at the latest.